A Beautiful Thing

I love this photo for multiple reasons:

  1. It confirms the rumor that babies look like old men.  She looks zero and eighty seven all at the same time.
  2. She looks plump and satisfied.  Like she just ate a loaf of Anjou bread, a glass of Chianti, and an apple tart.  Plump and satisfied is my favorite state to be in.
  3. I love that she has worried wrinkles on her forehead – because honestly, what could she possibly be worrying about? The economy? Global hunger? Fashion?
  4. Notice the belly button.  I think the only person in the world with a belly button that sticks out more is my little sister.  Maybe they could have an belly button show-down. Note – if you have never seen this, ask Tye to show you sometime.  It’s worth the price of admission.
  5. Mostly, I love that she is mine and that I get to smooch those little fat rolls and smell her head and nuzzle her all day long.  And no parents have to think I am weird for smelling their baby.  Because she is mine and I can smell her all I’d like.

And that, my friends, is a beautiful thing.


La-la-la London Fog


Ty, Tye, and The Shorts