A Lesson From Erin

It is a sweet sweet sweeeeeeet day.

My long, lost companion is coming home.  Finally.  It's only been a few months but it feels much longer.  Get this - the girl leaves me to go back to college, meets a handsome man from SoCal (Hey Russell!), THEN has the audacity to move away to Las Vegas. Permanently.

Please observe the traitor:

(The one on the left...not the right.  The one on the right is me.  And I, of course, am not a traitor)

Isn't she cute?  Her hair is a little longer now but she is still a rock star.

Facts about Erin

Fact #1: Last time she came to visit, her and I painted my kitchen the color of her sweater and surprised Stuart.  It worked.  Muah ha ha.

Fact #2: I think our parents almost actually banned us from socializing together some years ago.  Sometimes, we think too much the same and there isn't enough brain to balance out the situation.  You can search the old Police Records if your curiosity gets the better of you.

Just kidding.
Or am I?

Fact #3:  Erin has rocked short hair since 7th grade.  One time when going to a softball game, the bus driver stopped her as she was walking on the bus and said "This is the girl's softball bus" - at which she started crying, threw her glove and ball at the bus driver, called him an obscene name, and ran home.  Just kidding.  She politely said "Sir, I am of the female gender", gracefully proceeded to her seat, and curtsied before she sat down.

Fact #4:  Erin and I share a love for homemaking.  We LOVE making bread, pickling, laundry, growing our veggies and herbs, etc.  It's part of that self-inflicted disease.  But the best part is, we both do this while in poordom (both husbands are students still).  So we brainstorm how to do all the goods on a budget.  Which is just all too exciting, let me tell ya.

Fact #5:  One of the things I love most about Erin is her ability to absolutely, completely, just chill.  This could be due to her Jack Johnson obsession.  That is one chill dude.  I remember driving back from Seattle with her a few years ago and we stopped at a gas station.  She went inside, bought nachos, then sat on the four-foot patch of grass that the station had (let's not think about how many dogs had used this grass as their restroom, ok?) and ate her nasty, yet surprisingly delicious nachos.  She was in no rush.  She wasn't anxious.  She was just chillin.  Taking a moment to breath.  I remind myself of this often when life gets crazy.

I say to myself, "Self, stop and smell the gas station nachos".

Stick that lesson in your back pocket for later. 
You're welcome.


Kitchen Staples, Part One


La-la-la London Fog