Ah, sweet Friday.

I looked out our kitchen window this morning and saw this.  God, thank you for this beautiful day!  Even though it's mighty frigid outside.  Yikes.

Speaking of looking outside, this is what our front lawn looked like a few days ago - right before that crazy windstorm!  After the windstorm, this is what our neighbors lawn looked like.  Does that make us bad neighbors?  What's that you say?  We should have volunteered to go rake them up?  Really?  Even though we had no control over the wind?  Even though it was blowing 1,000 miles an hour and our windows almost shattered?  Even though "technically" they are no longer our leaves, as they have found a new home on their lawn?  Oh dang it, now I feel bad.  Stuart, please go rake up the leaves in our neighbors lawn.

You know what makes today even more beautiful?  It's Friday.  You know what that means?  It means I get to see them:

And him:

And her:

And them:

And, them.  Who could forget them:

Because every Friday night, we get together, and have a glass of this:

And then we engorge ourselves with food into a state of bliss.  I think my parents continues to have us over because they thinks we are protein deficient and they feel an obligation to heal us.  That, and they want to hold our babies. 

Never-the-less, Friday is a wonderful day spent looking forward to dinner when the clan congregates and feasts. 

Plus, it means I get to spend the whole weekend with this guy:

And I sure ain't complaining about that.


There is world peace.


Castile Soap, My Love