Baby Lamb

Okay, so the Elliott's don't really have a homestead.  But we aspire to one.  Someday, our homestead will be full of chickens, cows, perhaps a goat, and of course lots of preserved food.  Heck, throw a sheep in there to sheer so we can make our own yarn too.

What we have in the meantime, however, is a seven-week-old daughter that constantly makes a noise resembling a lamb. Does this count towards homestead status? I vote yes.  We had three separate people tell us last Sunday that she sounded like a baby lamb when she, uh, grunts? We actually aren't sure what the noise is.  It just is.  And it's endearing.

This is her.

Hello baby lamb. I love you.

Even if your grunting is far from feminine. We've got some time to work on it.


Meet the Elliotts.