Beautiful Whompers

I am about to make every female in the world jealous.

Well, technically, I am not.  My nephew is.

Yesterday was family picture day at my parents so the clan loaded into Brandon's pickup to head out to the homestead.  I was wedged in the backseat of the truck with Georgia, Brooks, and Kyson.  Illegally.  Don't tell anyone.

Anyway, both babies fell asleep on the drive.  I looked over and saw this:

I would like to point out something magnificent:

Take a look at those bad boys.

Most women would love love LOVE to have eyelashes like these.  I have many failed attempts at using different mascaras that promise to make my eyelashes look full and dark and luscious and long (which never works, by the way).  My entire family was born with teeny little blond nubs.   1/16th of an inch long.  Teeny.  Blond.  Nubbins.   Not long.  Not full.  No curled at the tips.  Not dark and luscious.  Nothing like those pictured above.  Just blond nubs.

Must be the Scandinavian in us.  We are pretty hairless people.  Blond hair, blue eyes, and hairless.  But then this little turkey comes along with these beautiful whompers and I just can't stop staring at them.  They are beautiful.  Even more beautiful because they are on him.  And when he pulls my hair and drools on my couches and spits his food out at me, I don't even care because I look at him and die.  Of love.  And jealousy. 

But mostly love.


Kitchen Staples, Part Two


There is world peace.