Best Organic Chapstick Recipe!

Oh you guys are going to love this. LOVE THIS. Lovie lovie lovie. It's the best organic chapstick recipe!

So easy. So inexpensive. So free of nasties. I love this.

Don't read this if you are my sisters or my Mom, because this is a stocking stuffer I made for you. So please ignore.

I recently paid $4 for a tube of all natural organic chapstick. Ridiculous, I know. I'm a fool. 

Best Organic Chapstick Recipe

The instructions couldn't be simpler. Melt the beeswax, then add the shea butter and coconut oil until melted. 

 Once melted, use a medicine dropper (I used a turkey baster!) to put the melted oil into the containers. I got sloppy, fumbled over the dog, shut my fingers in the stove door, slipped in a puddle of water and then squirted a turkey baster of hot melted oil mixture on my hand. Be careful. Because it buuuurrrrrnnnnnns.

The mixture will solidify as it cools. We topped these off after they started to cool, as the liquid shrinks down a wee bit.

This is wonderful. Even Stuart loves it. It's a manly chap and a girlie chap. It's a real moisturizer - nothing fancy. Plus, get this - it cost roughly $2.50 for 12 tubes of chapstick... and there ain't an artificial ingredient to be found. Can't beat that can ya? I'm telling you, it's the best organic chapstick recipe I've found!

Give it a try and let me know what you think. Unless you are my mom or sisters, then don't try it because I am giving you one for Christmas in your stocking... and forget you ever read this. Act surprised or I will cry.

Best Organic Chapstick Recipe!

So easy. So inexpensive. I love this chapstick recipe!

  • 2 tablespoons organic coconut oil
  1. Melt the beeswax, then add the shea butter and coconut oil until melted.
  2. Add the essential oils of your choice.
  3. Once melted, use a medicine dropper (I used a turkey baster!) to put the melted oil into the containers.
  4. The mixture will solidify as it cools. We topped these off after they started to cool, as the liquid shrinks down a wee bit.


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