Knitting and Gangland

You know those projects that just, well, never get completed.  You have the best of intentions...wonderful dreams of good things that you can accomplish!  People applaud you.  You pat yourself on the back.  Job well done!  But, you never quite get there.  If only you could focus.  Really dig in and get it done. 

Focus, Shaye, Focus.

All it takes it some prioritizing.  My excuse of "I just don't have any time!" doesn't really hold true when I magically find time to watch two hours of Gangland.  Have you ever watched it?  Fascinating stuff really.  It's all about various gangs and their rituals and tattoos....

Focus, Shaye, Focus.

Well, needless to say - I have a project.  A really cool one.  One that will make me happier than a clam when it's finished.  Here it is:

Okay, so it doesn't look like much yet.  But it will.  It's Georgia's baby blanket.  I only started it seven months ago!  I'm speedy with the needles, huh?  I started knitting it right after I found out about the wee-one.  She is now almost two months old.  It's actually pretty pathetic.

Right now, it's just a stack of unrealized potential.
But, alas, there is a plan. 

Eventually, it will look like this, but all stitched together with a fleece backing.  It will be lovely, and glorious, and crafty and I will be the coolest Mom ever.

But for now I am not cool or crafty.  Just a wannabe.  Just a lazy procrastinator. 

"Sorry you are cold and in need of a blanket, sweet Georgia, but I am busy watching Gangland."

I'm pretty sure she'll understand.


White People....Dancing.

