
Waking up in a warm bed with lots of down bedding and fluffy pillows is a blessing. 

Waking up to a husband that loves me and reminds me often that he thinks I am beautiful with no makeup, in my pajamas, with morning breath is a blessing.

Getting to snuggle my hungry baby first thing in the morning is a blessing.  Especially when she has slept alllll night.  Ahhhhh.

Drinking a cup of hand-ground hot coffee within ten minutes of rolling out of bed is a blessing. Thanks honey.

Having indoor plumbing and warm water to wash my hands and face in is a blessing. And toilet paper, too. 

Having a toothbrush and toothpaste to get rid of the morning breath is a blessing.  Because YUCK.

Warm oatmeal, eggs, and fresh grapefruit juice to fill my hungry belly is a blessing.  Lovin' me some oatmeal.

A car that starts is a blessing.  Lawdy knows we've all had those cars that DON'T start.  And that's a bummer.

Healthy dogs that bark by anyone who walks by our house are a blessing (sorry, neighbors!)

Having money to buy a pair of much needed jeans for Stuart is a blessing.  Yes, Stuart got new pants.  Finally.

Getting to smell fresh vanilla beans is a blessing.  If God had a smell, I imagine he would smell like this.

Washing machines are a blessing.  Even though we still have to do laundry, we would be punched in the face if we complained to someone who lived 100 years ago and had to wash by hand.  Let us not complain.

Getting to buy Georgia her first Christmas ornament is a blessing, because it means that for the first year, I have a wee one to buy Christmas presents for.  And ornaments are pretty.

So is Georgia.

I could list 10,000 more.  Easy.

Like the snow.  The snow is a blessing.

And garden beds put to bed for the winter.  Those are a blessing too.  In the summer we gather and in the winter we rest.

My point is this - I am a dirty, filthy sinner - worthy of God's wrath.  But I have been granted grace through his Son.  More grace than I can even fathom.  A beautiful, perfect, powerful, saving grace.  And not only have I been saved but the Lord has still been good enough to bless me greatly.

Bless me beyond belief.

With every breath I get to take.  With every bite I get to eat.  With clean, drinkable water.  With love. With joy.  With family.  With Saturday's spent with those I love. 

Oh, and wine.

Wine is a blessing too.


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It's time to man up. It's KOMBUCHA time.