Floaties in the bath water.

I have some breaking news!

#1.  Today, my friend Kendra at New Life on a Homestead posted a chapstick tutorial with my photos because she loved the post I did last week.  She linked back to my site, so now I feel like a celebrity since I have been following Kendra's site for a long time!  I don't think I should have to go to work now, just to celebrate.  Who votes "yes, you should get to stay home all day and bake cookies!" besides me?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Hello?

#2.  Georgia has finally grown into her belly.  Please observe:

Belly at three weeks

Belly at eleven weeks

This may not excite everyone, but it is good for a mother's heart to see her child growing at a semi-normal rate.  Plus, picture a poor little girl with that huge giant belly walking around.  It could have been awkward for her.  It is much more proportional with her body now, so we don't have to tease and mock her anymore.  KIDDING.  She could have the biggest belly in the world and I would still be crazy in love with her.  Although, it would look funny.  Please also note that her belly button is shrinking into her belly and should become "normal" as well; therefore, my sister Tye remains the outey-belly-button-champion of the family.  Her crown reigns.

#3.  Today is Friday.  I realize this is not breaking new, but dang man, it's GREAT NEWS!  Georgia is excited about this as well, because she knows it means a great dinner with all the family tonight.  See her enthusiasm?

I fear she has genetically inherited her mother's chin(s).  Dang.

#4.  I do realize that at some point it will not be appropriate to put picture of my naked baby on here, but we have not reached that point yet, so let's just enjoy her bath time pictures in the meantime.

On a special note, Georgia pooped in her bathtub for the first time the other night.  That was an adventure.  We are blessed so richly with these everyday moments, but the floaties really freaked Stuart out.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Friday filled with these special moments.  Not that I hope your baby poops in their bath water, but that you can enjoy moments like these - whatever yours may be.

Happy Friday!


My tree wants to crush people.


Homemade Deodorant