God's Goodness.

Ah, Sunday.

A beautiful day to rest, refresh, and reflect on the goodness of the Lord.

Prime example of God's goodness:

Prime example of God's goodness #2:

There are many things to be enjoyed about Sundays.  First and foremost, we are able to worship our great God with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  What a blessing our Church is each and every week.  It is food to our souls and  nourishment for the days ahead.  It is a time when we are able to pray, sing praise, share in fellowship and worship as a church body.  It is a day we are commanded to worship God and focus our hearts and minds on resting in Him. 

So often, we turn our Sundays into a "me" day.  A day devoted to what I want to accomplish and what I want to focus on.  I battle with myself on a regular basis regarding this.  As soon as I wake up, the list starts rolling in my head of all the chores to be done and tasks to be completed.  I think of cleaning and laundry.  I think of groceries and yard work.  I think of the weeks events and paying bills.  Instead of worshipping Him in all his grace and goodness, I get distracted by the folly of the world.  However, as my Pastor so often reminds us, where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.  Praise God.

Today, I will share in fellowship over a fritatta and cranberry walnut muffins. I will most likely do a load of laundry and sweep the disgusting dog hair off my stairs, AGAIN.  But first and foremost, I will worship the Lord.  I will find rest in His goodness, spend time with the Lord in prayer and will read His Holy Word. 

I pray you all, too, will find rest and peace in the Lord this wonderful day.

Because God not only requests we do this, He commands it.

And to be honest... I'm pretty sure He knows best.


Parenting Lesson #1


My tree wants to crush people.