How are ya. Who are ya.

Hello my reader.
My friend.

I could think of a thousand things to blog about today, but I kept finding myself drawing back to a particular topic.


That's right. You.

There are more of you now as we have almost been going for two months strong!  I am always giddy when I see that people have been visiting our homestead.  Because really, I don't have anything that important to say and yet you still come to visit!  What a joy.

If you stop coming, I stop blogging.  So please don't stop.  Because then I would actually have to find something productive to do with my time, like clean out my closets or mop my floor.  And I don't want to do that.

But here is my frustration:
I don't know you.  Or do I?  Who are you dear readers?

Mom?  Dad?  Is there anyone else out there?

Oh yes, my sisters.  I'm pretty sure they read it.  Hey girls!

Oh, and Melanie.  And Becca.  And Kendra.  And Jannica.  Hey ladies!

Pastor Gene?  Is that you?

Kimberly?  Hello?

So today, I am asking you to reveal yourself.  This is an interactive post, as in, I want you to comment.  As in, I demand it. Tell me who you are!  Where are you from?  Why do you visit?  Any posts you would like to see or project you would like to see me try this next year?  What are your hopes and dreams?  Spill your guts people!

That way we can talk and joke and make fun of eachother and stuff.

I very much appreciate every view and every comment that I've had - it brings a little sunshine to my day!  I hope that this blog brings a little sunshine to your day as well.  I look forward with great anticipation to what this next year has in store for The Elliott Homestead.  A wee little blog that started off as a twinkle in my eye has now grown into the fastest growing, top-rated homesteading blog on the internet!

I made that last part up.
But wouldn't that be cool!

So, let's hear it people!  Give a shout out.  If no one comments I am going to feel like a real loser that will turn to baklava so that I can drown my sorrows in nuts and that being said...

Hey y'all.

How are ya.

Who are ya.



Baklava. 'Nuff said.


Sweet nectar.