It's finished, my friends. It's finished.

There is good news on the ‘ol homestead. 

Great news.

Fantastic news.




For about the last year, I was doubting myself.  I thought for sure I would succumb to the pressure and distraction of Gangland.  Remember my little problem with this blanket?  Remember how I couldn’t focus?  Couldn’t find the time to finish it before Georgia’s birth, while I still found time to watch Season 1-6 of The Office?  I’m not going to lie, it was painful…

P2, K7, P4, K6....on and on and on and on and on I went.  Into the wee hours of the morning.  Sweating.  Bleeding.  Gnashing my teeth. 

129,345,123,756 stitches later.  I saw a light at the end of the tunnel and I ran to it.  I sprinted.  I blistered my fingers (true story!) handstiching the fleece to the back.  I couldn't stop myself, I had to grab that bull by the horns and yell "I WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT!" 

I have conquered a mountain.  Slain a giant.  It was like David and Goliath.  Except Goliath was wearing primary colors with neat patterns. 

As you can see, Georgia is taking quite well to the new addition.  I think the blanket really brings out the color in her toes.

All I wanted was for her to have a nice warm, cozy blanket.  Our homestead needed another heirloom that can be passed down.  One that can be treasured for generations to come.  Unfortunately, after all that work, I don't think this blanket can be it.  It's worth gold.  87,562 man hours went into that bad-boy.  She is not allowed to drool on it.  Or poop on it.  Or spit up on it.  Or wipe her snotty nose on it.  Or shove it in the toilet.  Or drag it along in the dirt like that little boy in Peanuts. 

I'm sorry, Georgia.  I know that you are snuggled in your blanket nice and cozy and warm...but can I have it back now?  I'm going to go have it framed and shrink wrapped for protection.


Time to clean up the confetti and wrapping paper.


Christmas Eve as Three!