Meet Alex and Lauren.

You still haven't met all my family! I must introduce you.  On that note, have I told you lately that I love having you here each day to read my ramblings?  Every time I get a new comment, I squeak with joy.  We've almost reached our 5,000 total views mark - and I could just jump for joy.  I love being able to meet with y'all each day - right here on the homestead.  Please don't ever leave me!

On to my other family.

"Technically" family - they're not.  But family they are.

Alex and Lauren.

Even saying their names make me happy.

You see, Alex is Stuart's soul-brother.  I use the word brother because "best friend" does not do justice to how much these two mean to each other.  From the time they were embryos, Alex and Stuart have been like Calvin and Hobbs.  Georgia and heat.  Beer and sweet potato fries.

When Stuart and I first started dating, I don't think Alex quite knew what to do with himself.  Not only had I stolen his soul-brother away from returning to Georgia (to then attend school in Mississippi) with Alex, but I was fixin' to keep him here in Washington with me FOREVER.   

Stuart:  Hey, buddy!  Guess what?  The visit to Washington is going amazing.  I met a girl.  She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. 

Alex: Oh ya? That's great...

Stuart:  Ya, I really wanna see where this goes.  I mean, I really love her.  I am so in love with her I could die.  So I don't think I'll be comin' home to go to Mississippi.  I think I need to stay here to spend some more time with this angelic being.

Alex:  Angelic being?  What the h-e-double-hockey-stick is wrong with you?

Stuart:  She makes my heart go pitter-padder.  She makes me giggle and smile. 

Alex:  I hate you.  Never call me again.

Would you believe that the first time I met Alex, he threw rotten tomatoes at me and told me to leave him and his best friend alone?

No?  Good.  Because he didn't go that far.  He probably wanted to though.

Luckily for us, Alex forgave Stuart for not returning to the South.  A year and a half later, he stood beside Stuart (with tears in his eyes - just bein' honest here!) as his best man. 

And a year and a half after that, Stuart was able to stand beside Alex as he married the most wonderful woman. 


Hey, Lauren!  Miss you!

I only put this photo in because, honestly, Stuart is in suspenders.  Yes, please!

Once Alex met Lauren, he understood that painful, debilitating, unbreakable grasp that a good woman can have on a man's heart.  He fell subject to her magic.  And trust me - this girls got it.  I've only been able to spend a few days with Lauren, right before their wedding, but I love her.  She is the kind of soul that people want to be.  You know if from the moment you meet her.  She is genuine.  Beautiful.  Loving.  Joyful. 

Maybe Lauren and I could be soul-sisters.
Then we could have our own clique.

I know that I can never replace Alex as Stuart's soul-brother.  I know this because I don't read Calvin and Hobbs.  I also could never write things in elfish.  I could never spend the entire afternoon watching old Looney-Toons.  I could never adventure with their sense of ease and humor.  I could never carry on an entire conversation in a Sean Connery or Christopher Walken accent.  But they can - so for that, I am thankful they have each other. 

At first, it creeped me out when Stuart would call out Alex's name in the middle of the night, but I have grown quite accustomed to it now. 

And I am thankful that I have Lauren.  Because she is probably the only other woman in the world who could understand the beautiful, faithful, unique friendship these two 'ol whipper-snappers have.

So, I offer up a toast (What the heck Shaye? Are you drinking champagne alone on a Tuesday morning?) to the beautiful Alex and Lauren.  And to the commune we will start in Oklahoma so we can all live and homestead together.



Those danged 'ol pregnant women. I love 'em.


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