Whole Wheat Snickerdoodle Buttery Deliciousness

Because it's Christmas, I have to do a cookie recipe.  I can't help myself.  The butter is calling me.  I know, like any of us need extra calories this time of year.  But come on people - make these.  They are like buttery goodness times a million.  And so easy, even I can bake them.  Amy over at Homestead Revival posted this great whole wheat snickerdoodle recipe and I have made them a few times already.  Stuart loves them.  He says they taste like pastries.  To which I reply that they are made of flour and sugar and butter, just like pastries.  It all makes sense.  Even though they are whole wheat, I can't pretend like they are "healthy" cookies.  These sure ain't no health food - but at least they are made from real, high quality, whole ingredients.  Nothin' fake allowed.

Whole Wheat Snickerdoodles

You will need:
 - 1 1/4 cup organic sugar
 - 1 cup organic butter, softened
 - 2 eggs (1 egg plus 1 egg white)
 - 2 3/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour
 - 1 tsp. non-alumnium baking powder
 - 1/4 tsp. sea salt

 - 2 tbs. sugar
 - 2 tsp. cinnamon

Step One: Beat the sugar and softened butter in your mixer until nice and fluffy.

Beginning fluff:

Little more fluff:

That's what we want:

Step Two:  Add your egg and egg white, one at a time, and beat to incorporate.

Step Three:  Mix the flour, salt, and baking soda together in a bowl.  Mix 'em together real good now - no cuttin' corners!  Add to the butter/sugar/egg mixture and beat to incorporate.

Step Four:  Mix until it looks like this (how's that for detailed instructions!)

Step Five:  Roll the dough into walnut-size-balls and then roll the tops in your topping mixture of cinnamon and sugar.  This gives them a nice sugary, cinnamony crusty top.  I like to a really course grain sugar so that it stays nice and crunchy.  Yum.

(Please ignore the photo discoloration.  Stuart had used the camera and I couldn't figure out why my whites looked yellow until I finally found the setting he had changed.  By then the cookies had baked.  Dang, man.)

Step Six:  Bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

Step Seven:  Remove and try to practice some self control.

I couldn't.  Like always.
I ate three before I even got them off the pan.
Don't tell Stuart.

I am so weak.Happy cookie baking!


Psalm 19 - A Psalm of David


Confessions from our Christmas Feast