Blessings to consider.

I have been reminded over and over today just how good God is.  Even though we go through times of plenty and times of less, He is always so faithful.  He has provided us with a season in our life that leans towards the "less" side and yet, even still, blessings abound!

Blessings To Consider

1.  Warm water to shower in.  Or for that matter, the means to take daily showers.  Think about when people used to only taken baths annually.  Bleh.  I love climbin' into bed at night so fresh and so clean.  Soap is a blessing. 

2.  Food.  Lots of it.  If we are hungry we must travel no further than a few miles to an abundance of groceries.  This blows my mind.  Think about how people have lived for centuries before us - completely focused on growing and harvesting enough food for survival.  And we have an immeasurable amount of it accessible to us at all times!  Having a plentiful cupboard, even if it is short on meat and heavy on rice and beans, is a blessing.

3.  Imported coffee.  I know we can't grow coffee beans in Washington because if we could, girlfriend, you know I would.  But far away in a tropical land, they can.  And they are willing to ship them to us in Washington.  Bless you, dear coffee farmers.  I love you.

4.  The financial means to pay our heating bill each month.  So many people at this very moment are cold and have no means to warm themselves.  I am thankful for the ability to have warmth in our home.

5.  A car that starts every morning.  Ever driven a 1983 Bronco?  Do.  Then you will appreciate having a nicer car that starts every morning.

6.  Health Insurance.  I hate having to pay this each month.  I HATE IT.  But when I had my million dollar C-Section, I was very very thankful that I had it.  Despite the politics involved and what I think about insurance in general, I am thankful to be able to afford it during this season of our life.

7.  Fresh made bread.  Because it makes all right in the world.  I love the idea that grains are so old and ancient - people have been grinding grains, making flour, and eating bread for thousands and thousands of years.  We get to enjoy this delicious treat smeared with butter and jam and my belly thinks that is a blessing.

8.  Online bill payments.  I was able to pay six bills online in less than ten minutes.  How cool is that? I saved, like, three dollars on postage!  What isn't cool is that I had to work for two weeks to earn the money that I spent in ten minutes.  Lame-o.   But, alas, I am still grateful for that blessing.

9.  Stuart being able to be in school.  As hard as this is for us right now, I am so appreciative the Lord has provided him with the ability to be able to attend a University.  The timing and placement worked out perfectly, according to His will.  In the long run, I know we will be thankful that we kept pushing through this difficult season.

10.  Work.  We have been blessed with able bodies capable of working.  To be able to labor is a blessing.  Even if it may seem like a burden at times, the ability to work is a gift from the Lord. 

11.  My husband.  He loves and serves the Lord.  He prays with me.  He encourages me in my walk with the Lord.  And that is just the best thing I could have ever asked for. 

12.  My little peanut.  Who I love so much that my heart feels like it is going to literally explode.  There is not enough space in my heart for all the joy I feel when I look at her.  She is a blessing.  A true gift from the Lord.  Even if she did cost a million dollars.  It was worth ever penny.

13.  A messy house.  Because it reminds me to not to make an idol of a spotless home or healthy living.  It reminds me that God is in control of our homes and our health and that I mustn't cling to the foolish folly of this world.

14.  The dog poo that I stepped in is a blessing.  Because if I didn't have dog poo in my yard, it would mean that I didn't have dogs, and that would just be a cryin' shame.

15.  Eyebrow waxing is a blessing.  Because my best friend Carlee can keep these caterpillars on my face under control like nobody's business.  Plus, she keeps me from having a unibrow.  And for that I am thankful.

So, even if it seems like you are a walking uni-brow with dog poo on your shoe, there is always something (scratch that: a million things!) to be thankful for.  Every breath.  Every drink of a clean water.  Every bite of nutritious food.  Every piece of soft clothing.  Every day with your beloved.  Times of less to appreciate the times of plenty. 

I am overflowing with joy today for all the goodness that the Lord has blessed this 'ol homestead with.

Even if there is no dairy cow.  Yet.
That's going on my prayer list.

What are you thankful for today?


Food Storage. Part Uno.


Raspberry Walnut Muffins. Booyah.