Chocolate Avocado Mousse.

This recipe is going to blow your mind.

Your will not have a mind after you read this, because, as previously stated, it will be blown away.

This is my last dessert post for awhile. I promise. I can't help myself lately, sometimes sweets are just too dang delicious to pass up. And as long as I can control myself enough to enjoy them in moderation, I figure it's worth it. What I love about this recipe is that, while it is still considered a treat on our homestead, it's a far less guilty treat than normal. I know that it sounds crazy, but you're just going to have to trust me on this one. At least try it out of curiosity if nothing else. Stuart was a skeptic at first, too, but has since converted to a true believer in...

 Chocolate Avocado Mousse.

I know - sounds crazy, right? Wrong. It's silky, smooth, and sweet. Avocado whips into the creamiest, most delicious mousse. It's rich - you only need a wee bit. But it is ever so tasty. This recipe is adapted from Renee Loux's cookbook, The Balanced Plate: The Essential Elements of Whole Foods and Good Health.  It's one of my most used cookbooks.  Although Renee is a vegan, her recipes are easily adaptable to personal preference.  It's a wealth of information.

You will need:
 - 2 large, ripe avocados (about 2 cups worth)
 - 1/2 cup maple syrup (the real stuff!)
 - 1 tsp. vanilla extract
 - 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar
 - 1-4 tablespoons of organic sugar (or sweetener of choice) depending on how sweet you want it
 - 1 cup of cocoa powder

Step One: Scoop the avocado out of it's skins and put it into a food processor (or mechanism of your choice).

 Step Two: Add the vanilla, maple syrup, sugar and balsamic vinegar. Process until it is a nice, smooth texture. I always take a spatula to clean the sides of the food processor and then run it again to make sure there are no chunks. We want this goodness completely smooth.

Step Three: Add the cocoa powder. Process again until smooth. Again, use a spatula to scrape the sides and make sure the cocoa is incorporated completely.

 Step Four: That's all. Give it a quick taste test and add more sweetener if you think it needs it.

I like to serve ours chilled with a dollop of fresh whipped cream and frozen raspberries. The cream helps cut the richness of the mousse and the berries add a nice bright flavor to the mix. You will be doing your belly a disservice if you eat it without these additions - it is a heavenly combination.

This mousse also freezes very well - just put it in a Tupperware and store it. If you are like us, you will find yourself grabbing a frozen spoonful when you get the chocolate bug.

I have a love/hate relationship with the chocolate bug.

Sometimes, it comes to me when I am at work and then I have to nibble on a square of dark chocolate like a little squirrel (hoping no one will see me!) Other times, I am able to ravage a bowl full of chocolate mousse with no regard for manners or calories. 

If you're going to enjoy a treat - enjoy this one. Heart-healthy fat from the avocado, natural sweetener from the maple syrup and pure cocoa goodness. That's a beautiful thing.

Let me know what you think! If you don't like it - tell me. I will come and pick it up from your house and eat it for you. I got your back.

Chocolate Avocado Mousse

This recipe is adapted from Renee Loux's cookbook, The Balanced Plate: The Essential Elements of Whole Foods and Good Health

  • 2 large, ripe avocados ((about 2 cups worth))
  • ½ cup maple syrup ((the real stuff!))
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1-4 tbsp organic sugar, depending on how sweet you want it ((or sweetener of choice) )
  • 1 cup cocoa powder
  1. Scoop the avocado out of it's skins and put it into a food processor (or mechanism of your choice).

  2. Add the vanilla, maple syrup, sugar and balsamic vinegar. Process until it is a nice, smooth texture. I always take a spatula to clean the sides of the food processor and then run it again to make sure there are no chunks. We want this goodness completely smooth.

  3. Add the cocoa powder. Process again until smooth. Again, use a spatula to scrape the sides and make sure the cocoa is incorporated completely.

  4. That's all. Give it a quick taste test and add more sweetener if you think it needs it.


Your dirty, stinky, messy family.

