Creme Brulee. The Grandaddy of Desserts.

Okay, I lied. Don't hate me.

I had to take a break from doing Food Storage Part Deux to bring you this.

I assure you, it will not disappoint.

There are times on the 'ol homestead when we need a treat. We need a fatty, silky, sweet reward. And while I did bring you a muffin recipe just a few days back, I think you'll love this one even more. It's for special occasions. For when you need a real bowl of heaven. And when you don't care if you'll fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans anymore. Who needs 'em anyway.

Creme Brulee
You will need:
 - 4 cups heavy cream
 - 10 egg yolks
 - 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
 - 3/4 cup sugar
 - 6 tablespoons sugar

Hey, I warned you. If you want to fit into those skinny jeans, DO NOT EAT THIS.

If you want to have an eating experience beyond human comprehension, EAT THIS.

What was my special occasion, you ask? My little sister and brother-in-law came to visit. They live a mile away. Reason enough for me.

Please note that I did not take any photographs during the "making" of this treat, as I was far to focused on not screwing it up. However, now that I am an expert after making it once, I assure you that it was not that difficult. Just a few simple steps that need to be followed. And that's coming from me - remember? The one with the baking disability?

Step One: Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. (Look at you go, you're already almost done!)

Step Two: Heat the cream and vanilla over medium-low heat, in a saucepan, until it simmers. Be sure to stir this, so the cream doesn't scald! 

Step Three: While the cream is heating up, mix the egg yolks and the sugar together. Whisk whisk whisk until it's a nice yellowy thick goo.

Step Four: Once the cream simmers, remove the saucepan from the heat.

Step Five: SLOWWWWWLY drizzle the cream into your egg yolk and sugar mixture. You have to whisk as you go, slowly incorporating the cream drizzle by drizzle. You do this in order to bring the egg mixture slowly up to temperature with the cream (if you just dumped it all in there it would scramble the eggs!). Slowly add all of the cream mixture, as you stir it to incorporate.

Step Six: Pour the cream mixture into six ramekins or your oven-proof dish of choice.

Step Seven: Place the ramekins on a rimmed baking sheet and slip 'em into the oven. Once the baking sheet is in the oven, pour water into the baking sheet so that it comes to about halfway up the ramekins (essentially giving the ramekins a nice water bath to sit in). Do NOT do as I did and fill the baking sheet before you put it in the oven because it makes it VERY difficult to move the sheet into the oven. Stupid, stupid, stupid....

Step Eight: Bake for roughly 30 minutes or until the custard is set. Mine took about 40 minutes. You don't want them to jiggle, but don't let them get brown either. Keep checkin' in on them to see how they are doing. Love the custard. Take care of it.

Step Nine: Remove the ramekins once the custard is set and allow them to cool to room temperature. Then, refrigerate for 2-3 hours (covered) or until chilled. I only did mine for an hour and a half and they were fine. I be breakin' all kinds of rules!

Step Ten: Once you're ready to enjoy this silky delight, remove the ramekins from the refrigerator. Gently sprinkle the top of each ramekin with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Then, using a torch quickly brown the sugar to create a nice crust. I made Stuart do this because I am a wimp. The end.

Step Eleven: Eat. Enjoy. Savor. Delight. It's not everyday you get to lick a spoon coated in heaven's custard.

Disclaimer: I do realize that this is not a health dessert. It's sugar and cream. But you know what? Girlfriend needed some sugar and cream. And I shan't not eat of it again until....well, until next week when I break down and make it again.

Please make this.

Please invite me over for dinner when you do.

Please do not blame me when you have to unbutton your pants because your belly is pooching over. 

The end.

May your Friday be full of goodness my dear readers. I love ya. 

Creme Brulee

  • 4 cups heavy cream
  • 10 egg yolks
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 6 tbsp sugar
  1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. (Look at you go, you're already almost done!)

  2. Heat the cream and vanilla over medium-low heat, in a saucepan, until it simmers. Be sure to stir this, so the cream doesn't scald! 

  3. While the cream is heating up, mix the egg yolks and the sugar together. Whisk whisk whisk until it's a nice yellowy thick goo.

  4. Once the cream simmers, remove the saucepan from the heat.

  5. SLOWWWWWLY drizzle the cream into your egg yolk and sugar mixture. You have to whisk as you go, slowly incorporating the cream drizzle by drizzle. You do this in order to bring the egg mixture slowly up to temperature with the cream (if you just dumped it all in there it would scramble the eggs!). Slowly add all of the cream mixture, as you stir it to incorporate.

  6. Pour the cream mixture into six ramekins or your oven-proof dish of choice.

  7. Place the ramekins on a rimmed baking sheet and slip 'em into the oven. Once the baking sheet is in the oven, pour water into the baking sheet so that it comes to about halfway up the ramekins (essentially giving the ramekins a nice water bath to sit in). Do NOT do as I did and fill the baking sheet before you put it in the oven because it makes it VERY difficult to move the sheet into the oven. Stupid, stupid, stupid….

  8. Bake for roughly 30 minutes or until the custard is set. Mine took about 40 minutes. You don't want them to jiggle, but don't let them get brown either. Keep checkin' in on them to see how they are doing. Love the custard. Take care of it.

  9. Remove the ramekins once the custard is set and allow them to cool to room temperature. Then, refrigerate for 2-3 hours (covered) or until chilled. I only did mine for an hour and a half and they were fine. I be breakin' all kinds of rules!

  10. Once you're ready to enjoy this silky delight, remove the ramekins from the refrigerator. Gently sprinkle the top of each ramekin with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Then, using a torch quickly brown the sugar to create a nice crust. I made Stuart do this because I am a wimp. The end.

  11. Eat. Enjoy. Savor. Delight. It's not everyday you get to lick a spoon coated in heaven's custard.


The Back Rows: A poem for you.


Food Storage. Part Uno.