Sweet Virginia.

I just got off of a wonderful phone call that lifted my spirits and made my heart joyous.

My most dearest sister-in-law, Virginia, called me to say hello.

You see, there is still MORE family you haven't been introduced to.  Like Virginia.  You may be unfamiliar with them because they live far, far, far away.

As in Georgia. 
As in across the country.
As in a five hour plane ride.

(Please excuse me while I go whip my tears.)

Things I love about Virginia:

1.  She smiles.  All the time.  When she tells stories, she will sometimes smiles through the whole thing.  I love that. 

2.  She survived growing up with three brothers.  Elliott brothers, none-the-less.  She is a strong cookie.  Plus, she is a southern woman (which means she can tell it like it is!)  I admire this trait in people, as I am the most least confrontational person you will ever meet in your life.  For example, when I was visiting her, my drink order was wrong.  "Oh, it's fine" I say to her.  But Ginia takes my drink back to the barista and kindly lets them know they got the order wrong.  She protects me from bad drinks. Bless you Ginia.

3.  She used to make Stuart ***This content has been edited by Mr. Elliott.  I was informed that disclosure was not allowed or he will kick me off the homestead***** He was her younger and easily-persuaded brother.  For this, she earns a gold star.

4.  She says "Hey girl!" every time that we talk on the phone.  No one says this anymore, but they should.  It's fun.  Try it next time your Mom calls.  She sounds genuinely excited when we talk and that is special.

5.  She has the slightest, most delicate, southern-drawl.  Every time I get off the phone with her, I have to make mindful effort to not speak with a drawl myself.  It's beautifully contagious. 

6.  She is married to Jordan.  He speaks so fast and with such a strong drawl that sometimes I can't understand what he is saying.  It's a hoot!  It really makes me feel like a Westerner. 

7.  She has a cat named Espresso that ate my yellow yarn last time I was visiting.  That was entertaining.

8.  She loves my Georgia girl from the depths of her soul and hasn't ever got to snuggle her or kiss her.  But I know that she still loves, loves, loves that lil one and she sends her love all the way from the South.  They have a special bond because their names are both states.  Isn't that somethin'.

9.  She is just like my older sister, Brynn.  Exactly.  They are like Siamese twins.  Those girls can taaaaaaaalk.  Ever heard the two of them together?  Don't.

10.  Virginia loves the Lord.  I love the Lord.  We get to love the Lord and fellowship together.  Even though many a state may separate us, our family love knows-no-bounds.  I yearn for the next time when we can dance and sing and dine together, my sweet Virginia. 

So here is my plea to you readers.  Spread joy.  Call someone and say "Hey girl!".  Genuinely want to keep in touch with those whom you love.  Don't just think about it.  Do it.  Right now.  Call your sister.  Your Mother.  Your Father.  Your friend.  Your Grandpa.  Whoever.  Just call 'em.  And send them your love.  It's a love-spreading-day.  And who doesn't want in on that action!


Raw Milk. You heard me.


Nursing Etiquette