I had business to do.

Last night, when I normally sit down and write a post about my cute baby, homemade food, or somethin' irrelevant like walnut hunting, I was very busy.  I was busy eating beef stew and drinking red wine.  I was busy pretending to sing the alto part to a Psalm and sharing in fellowship with my brothers and sisters in the Lord.  I was busy scarfing down my successful sourdough spice cake and googling over a little baby named Sophie. 

Point being, it was obviously very very important business that I had to attend to.

That stew wasn't going to eat itself.

Someone had to be there to cut the cake.

I couldn't just leave without having a cup of coffee.

It's hard to be me sometimes.  To have all these responsibilities and have so much relying on you all the time. 

If you I show you this, will you forgive me for not posting a more productive post?

<(Please ignore the fact that her hand was moving so fast, it looks like a stub)

You will?  Oh thank you.  I love being able to use my baby as a bargaining chip. 

Who else is HAPPY IT'S FRIDAY!  I love Fridays.  I say that every Friday, but I do.  I get to look forward to all the wonderful possibilities the weekend has in store.  Do you have any fun plans?  Any productive plans?  Any free services you would like to come and offer us so we can sit around and do nothing? I.e.) Sweeping floors, scrubbing under my garbage can, cleaning dog slobber off my windows?

No?  No takers? 

Well, in that case, I hope your weekend is full of far more exciting things than I will be doing.  Cheers my friends.


For those of us lactacting. And everyone else too.


I heart sourdough.