Let the record show.

Let the record show the following:

I have lied, cheated, and stolen.  I have thought of myself before others and failed to be humble.  I have felt entitled to all good things and I have a problem with patience, coveting, and slander.  I have not been faithful in my prayer or devotion.  I have gone through periods of sadness, when I fail to lift my eyes upward.

I fail to trust that the Lord will provide in our difficult seasons.  I let my emotional, frail state overtake the truth I know about God's promises. 

I fail to honor my husband in the way that I should, opting for laziness or argument over fellowship and humbleness.  I fail to keep my home as a place of rest and fail to open it continually for hospitality and service in the way that I should.  I fail to open it to those who need a listening ear and a warm meal.

I can pass people in the street and not give a second thought to if they need encouragement, food, or a hug.  I have hurt people.  Sometimes, I shutter to think about things in my past. I pray I will just forget about all that sin, and then I recall that I remember so that I do not repeat.

I am selfish.  I am self-absorbed.  I am jealous.  And I am lazy.  Shall I go on?

But wait.

There is good news. 

The Lord has seen me, in the filth of my heavy, daunting, deathly sin.  He has seen me in this sin and declared me righteous, by His grace, and for Jesus' sake.

And THAT my friends, is the good news that makes each day worth living!

And Amen!


Sourdough Crackers. And stuff.


Homemade Hummus.