A sappy mama moment.

Please allow me the luxury of being sappy for a moment.


I am so in love with this child.

I have come to realization (since becoming a mother) that since I've had Georgia, something inside of me has changed.  For the better.

While I normally can lounge around in bed for a good half hour in the morning (putting off the inevitable fact that I must crawl out of the warm bed), if I can hear that baby is awake over the monitor, I suddenly have the energy to hop out of bed like a spring chicken.  I want to be there.  I want to cuddle her and say good morning.  I want to love on her and cover her rosy cheeks in kisses.  I'm not thinking about being tired - I'm thinking about being her mother.

I think about teaching her things in life, both large and small.  I've never been a parent before (obviously) and I've just come to realize all we can teach her about this world.  From teaching her how to potty in a toilet (eventually), to how to love the Lord.  She is learning so many things that I didn't even think about - like learning to use her tongue to swallow food.  Or learning about different tastes, flavors, smells, and textures.

She is learning how to take naps when it's time, even if she doesn't want to.  Because let's be honest, naps are good for everyone.

She is learning to give affection, in the form of an open-mouthed lick on her Mama's cheek.  Or chin.  Or forehead.  Whichever is closest to her eager mouth.  When she smiles, pulls me in, and dribbles slobber down my cheek, I could (quite literally) die of joy.

She is learning how to play games and laugh with her Dad, as he nuzzles his head into her belly or bounces her on his knee.  She's learned how to grab on to his dark curly hair - the perfect length to get her little fingers tangled in - as her line of self-defense from the tickles.  She also is quite fond of grabbing his facial hair, which is just too humorous for me to take.  I almost wet my pants with laughter every time.

Quite a few months ago, she learned how to poop without getting ANY in her diaper.  And that's pretty smart, if you ask me.

My point is this:  What we teach her, she will learn.  Her brain is growing at the rate of - well, something really fast - and I want that brain to be filled with good stuff.  Godly stuff.  Love stuff.  Healthy stuff.  Family stuff.

I want to raise her to love and fear the Lord and to glorify Him in the way she lives her life.  I want to have a home that is so full of God's word and love that it's bursting at the seams.  I want to teach her how to keep a home, love her husband, treat people kindly, and serve others with joy.

Thus is born a part of me that did not exist before having her - - - The part that fuels the desire to lay my life down for hers. 


And that is the end of my sappy moment.

Thank you, devoted reader, for hangin' in there with as I got emotional.  But this Mama's heart is so full it can barely beat.

I'm sure all the other mothers (and fathers!) out there know exactly what I mean.


I need a large brimmed hat.


Cocoa Coconut Truffles. I could die of happiness.