After all these years.

Two years ago today, this happened:

I married my very best friend.

While it's not a long time, say in the history of the world, two years is still a milestone to be proud of.  In a society that throws away marriages like disposable razors, I cling to the vow that I made before God to honor, serve, and love my husband till death do us part.

And I will continue to love him long after that, even.

Never the less, let every one in particular so love his wife, even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Ephesians 5:33, KJV

Yesterday we were out planting seeds in our garden.  I know that Stuart didn't particularly want to be out there, as he had multiple other tasks that required his attention.  But he was out there with me, none-the-less, and shared in my excitement and enthusiasm for the upcoming spring garden.  He gladly fulfilled his duties to love me, as his wife.  It's moments like this that I realize how great the gift of marriage can be.

"When we come to our duties gladly, it helps us to discipline our emotions.  When we come to our duties with the knowledge that God has framed them for us and has assigned all marital duties appropriately, we can rejoice in His goodness.  The result is not a negation of spontaneity, but rather a disciplining of it." Reforming Marriage, Douglas Wilson

I would like to share the following informational tidbits with you.

1.  Stuart fries my eggs and makes my toast every morning.  For this, he earns a gold star.

2.  Even when I am really angry, and I want to be angry, I can't be.  He continually helps me to bring my emotions back to a place that unites us in fellowship.  For this, I owe him big time.

3.  He prays for me.  And I need it. 

4.  He loves the Lord more than he loves me.  And, praise God!  What a blessing it is to have a husband that serves and fears the Lord!

5.  He makes me London Fogs anytime I request one.  This only took me three months to teach him!  I joke, I joke...

6.  He still leaves his clothes on the bathroom floor.  But I don't mind.  Because a lot of the time, I just wear them instead of going all the way upstairs to get my pajamas.  Because we wear the same size.  Boo.

7.  He will gladly eat anything that I make him.  Unless it's beans.  And he will always say "It's good!" even when it tastes like poo-poo.  I appreciate this greatly.

8.  He has a beard.  I have a thing for beards.  And by "a thing", I mean, I looooove beards.  Mountain man beards.  Booya.

9.  On our wedding day, he promised to love me forever.  And I believe him.

10.  He does the best Christopher Walkin impression of anyone "this" side of the Mississippi.  His best friend Alex does the best Christopher Walkin impression "that" side of the Mississippi.

I want to continue to strive, DAILY, to serve and honor my husband as the Lord says I should!  It's truly a joy to live on this homestead with such an honorable and loving hubby.  A hubby that helps me plant my seeds and vacuum my furniture and holds my hand and strokes my hair and makes googly-eyes with me. 

Sure, sometimes he forgets to put down the toilet seat.  Or unroll his socks before putting them in the laundry.  Or empty the nasty food strainer in the bottom of the kitchen sink. 

But ya know what?  I wouldn't trade even a day with my husband for a million shekels of silver.

Heck, even a dairy cow. 

And if you've been following my blog for any period of time, you know how badly I desire a dairy cow.

"As he loves her, she bears fruit.  As she bears this fruit, it delights him.  In this delight he loves her more, and she bears more fruit.  The wive is to cooperate fully, receiving his love, but he is the one responsible to give it." Reforming Marriage, Douglas Wilson

I pray for many more healthy and happy years together with my deliciously-handsome husband.  I look forward to the times ahead where we shall sip coffee together, make more babies (yippee!), and experience life's adventures.  I hope that our marriage will serve as an example to our children that a marriage can be a beautiful, honoring, and glorifying relationship. In a society that boasts of adultery, sinfulness, pride, and folly, I pray that we would raise a generation of children that can acknowledge the beautiful plan for marriage that the Lord has given to us as a gift! 

Alright all you married-readers out there, give me your best tips and tricks for how you keep your marriage goin' strong!  Share what you have found helpful along the way!

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband. 


Food Storage. Part Two. Sort of.


Baby be eatin' plums.