A $7 Bathroom Mood Lifter!

This warm weather, with all its delicious sunshine, is really getting to my head.

As previously noted in multiple posts (perhaps I have issues), it really makes me want to freshen up our home. I want yellow.  I want flowers.  I want the smell of lavender lingering in the air.  I want clean windows and a cheery tablecloth.  Just small changes - but ones that make me feel alive again!  It much be the fresh air.  It's causing all kinds of madness!

Isn't it fun how just a little change of furniture placement or color can affect your mood?  One must take advantage of such free mood lifters.  Hence, one of my weekend projects.

Freshen up the bathroom.

Total budget = $7.

Okay, that wasn't exactly my budget - but that's how much I spent.  I knew I wanted to incorporate a nice fabric to add some texture and color, but I just wasn't sure what kind.  Stuart picked out our final choice and I think he did a mighty fine job.

Nice job, Stu.  Nice job.

So while we were at the craft store picking up our fabric, I also picked up a piece of foam board for $2.  Then, I cut the foam board to fit my desired size, sprayed them with a glue, and stuck my fabric to it (being careful to wrap around the back nicely to cover the edges). 

Ah, yes.  There we are.  I made sure to smooth all the wrinkles out so it was as soft and smooth as a baby's bottom.

I love baby bottoms.  They are so little and adorable.  Especially after a bath, when the babe is all nice and clean, and you lay them out on a blanket on the carpet to air dry.  Then they just wiggle around like a little worm, enjoying the diaper-less freedom.  Could they get any cuter than that moment?

Did you know I get distracted easy?  Back to our project...

After the glue was dry, I just popped the boards into place.  Voila!

Now came the hard part:  rearranging the "stuff".  I knew I didn't have the money to go out and by new "stuff" so I had to pull from other displays around the house.  I use some cuttings from a plant to fill a sunny yellow mug and kept some of the old whiskey bottles that were already on display.  Then, I brought down an old wood box, that I bought years ago at an antique store, to keep necessities in. 

After adding a few books for texture (Lonesome Dove, One Hundred Years of Solitute, The Golden Booklet of a True Christian Life, and Don't Squat With 'Yer Spurs On!), I had Stuart draw me a pastel print to tie it all together. 

He is so talented.  What a man.

So there it is.  All put back together.  I left my toilet paper showing because, well, that's where the toilet paper goes.  I suppose I could have removed it for the photo, but hey, this is real stuff here.  It's like I welcome you, my lovely reader, into my home when I blog each day.  You get to see the good, the bad, and the Charmin.  You're welcome.



Not a drastic remodel, but just enough freshness to lift my mood every time I go into the bathroom.  Don't ask me what that metal thing is up by the print either, because I couldn't tell ya.  All I know is it's stuck there and I can't get it down.

I think that the bathroom is now a little softer.  A little bit more feminine.  A little more thoughtful.  And that makes me one happy lady.

That...AND the fact that I'm sitting in a comfortable chair, drinking tea with my love, and reading the latest copy of Better Homes & Gardens (which I "accidentally" stole from my Mom's house last time I was over.  Bwah ha ha).

Ah, yes, my friends.  Life is good.

Cheers to $7 mood lifters and happy bathrooms.


The S.H.E. System: To keep me from pulling my hair out.


Liver omelettes for brunch, anyone?