Mobile-Device Manners.

Okay, people.

I already know that I'm going to make some of you mad with this post.  However, I still must stick my neck out there in the name of...journalism...blogging...and justice!  Not to get dramatic or anything.

And as usual, I like to warn you when my post has nothing to do with homesteading.

This post has nothing to do with homesteading.

There - disclaimers have been made.

Now, I would like to put in a picture of a cute baby so that you will forgive me for the rant I am about to begin. sweet.  Okay.  Now, time to get to business.

Allow me a moment, if you will, to jump on my soap-box and release some tension on my mind regarding cell-phone manners.

Or rather, a lack thereof.

Disclaimer #2:  I like cell-phones.  I enjoy using them to talk to friends and family.  They are handy, convenient, and really nice when your car runs out of gas.  I am not seeking a cell-phone free world; however, we are raising a culture that is incapable of holding a conversation longer than 45 seconds without checking their phone.  And that makes me want to throw tomatoes at them.

1.  It is not polite to be in the middle of a conversation with someone, and then randomly start text messaging someone else.  For Pete's sake, please show some consideration and at least pretend like what they are saying matters enough to pay attention.

2. It is not polite to answer a telephone call while in the middle of a conversation.  Unless it's a 911-emergency.  You can call them back when the conversation is finished.  I promise, it won't kill them to not be able to reach you at that very instant.  Unless, it is a 911-emergency, in which case, it might. 

3.  It is not polite to text message while you are hanging out with other people.  It takes the conversation and fellowship away from the time you are spending with them... and it's rude. 

4.  It is not polite to search the web on your uber-smart-crazy-technologically-advanced phone while you are having a conversation with someone.  Are we really that boring?  Please see above.

5.  It is not polite to be texting on your phone while in a meeting.  Or at lunch with a friend.  Or during your dear Pastor's sermon. 

You get the point on this whole texting thing by now, don't ya?

6.  It is not polite to be on your cell phone during supper.  Or when sharing special time with your spouse.  They deserve your attention - so give it to them!

6.  Don't be rude, dude.

7.  That's all I can think of at the moment that won't get me fired from being the author of this blog.  Although, I am the president of this blog, so I could overturn that ruling.  This blog is a dictatorship!

All that to say, my generation is very susceptible to being (just bein' honest here) horrifically rude in the way we interact with other people.  So often, people avoid making eye contact with me while on stairs, or in an elevator, or walking down the street, or in the office, because they are *tap, tap tap, tap, tap, tap* texting on their cell phone. And it drives me bonkers.  I want to rip the phone out of their hand, throw in on the cement, and stomp on it in a fit of rage.  But, I don't.  But, I want to.

Smile at people.

Say hello.

Small talk.


Cut the umbilical cord that is attached to your mobile device.

I'm sorry - that was dramatic. I couldn't help myself.

(Shaye steps down from soap-box).

The end.


Stuart Two Ways.


Homemade Mayonnaise. For Fermentation-Junkies.