She ate it.

She looks innocent.  But don't let her deceive you.

She is ruthless.  An animal.  She knows no boundaries and practices no manners. 

She eats things that don't belong to her.  More specifically, my camera.

Let me recap for a moment:

Yesterday morning, she was happily bouncing up and down, up and down, while Stuart and I ate our oatmeal.  Dressed in her new pink polka dot dress, she just looked so plump and happy.  I love it when she is like this!  While she was still acting all cute and obedient, I went to the other room to grab my camera.  A new mother just can't pass up these precious moments (especially one that spastically takes photos like, ahem, me).  So there I was, happily snapping away this wonderful little treasure.  A real gift, she is.

Then, the camera caught her attention.

Right now, Georgia has two tactics with new "things":

1)  Put them in her mouth.
2)  Put them in her mouth and then drop them on the floor.

The camera was no exception.

See, dangit, there she goes.  She's reaching.  "Dangit, child!" I say.  "Keep those fingers to yourself!"

She acts like she doesn't hear me.  Closer, and closer she draws the camera.  At this point, her mouth is already salivating at the anticipation of the gift to come.  She wants it.  Her precious. (Lord of the Rings fans out there?)

I fight for it, but my strength cannot conquer her relentless hold. 


It's too late.  The damage has been done. 

Please note that amidst this battle, I still managed to take incredibly focused and artistic photographs.  I am, like, a magnificently rad photographer.


Nothing is safe anymore.  Not from this hell-raising child.  It's a free-for-all now.

Pray for us.


Raw Cream Cheese. & Whey.


The S.H.E. System: To keep me from pulling my hair out.