The many faces of Stuart.

I ain't afraid to say it.

I think my husband is smokin' hot.

I do.  I can't help it.

As I was browsing through my photos, I noticed that the program I use to edit my photos was automatically detecting peoples faces - Stuart, obviously, being one of them.  I scrolled through pages and pages of his face, all full of different expressions and facial hair styles.  It kept me entertained for hours! Okay, it was more like five minutes, but still.  I wanted to share some of my favorites with you because I am so generous.  You're welcome in advance.



This picture would be manly and rugged, if he weren't biting flowers.  Imagine, if you will, the flowers replaced by a sword.  Now that's a warrior.




Ah, yes.  Amish Stuart.  I've always wanted to marry a farmer.  I think he needs to grow the beard a little bit more for this photo to reach it's maximum potential.  Or he could have wore overalls to the wedding - either one.




Dashingly, handsome, Stuart.  Is it just me, or are his facial features beautifully proportionate?  Oh, it's just me?  Okay.  Never mind.  I hope that my babies get his good bone structure.  When asked what my favorite physical feature about him was, I easily replied "His nose." 


What?  Is that weird or something?


Contemplative Stuart.  Artistic Stuart.  Coffee-loving Stuart (he was drinking a latte when this photo was taken).  He can look so stoic.  So melancholy.




Pipe-smoking Stuart.  What more need be said.



This is his "I'm a baby Daddy" smile.  Tired, nervous, coming down off an adrenaline high, and probably a wee bit terrified after having just seen my belly cut open.  He plays emotions off pretty well.  You would never know...



Apparently, salsa-canning makes him feel fiesty. I get this face more times than I can shake a stick at.  And it's not always welcomed, either.


Notice the hair.  Oh, yes.



I have no proof, but I am hoping that when he was smiling like this, he was looking at me - all barefoot and pregnant at the time.  I think this is how a man should look at his lady.  Be still my beating heart.




This is his game face.  It was beer making time - and this ain't a time to joke around.  It's serious business people.  And judging by his face, apparently not much fun at all.




This flat-hat should just be sewn to his head.  That's how much he loves it.  After a long separation (due to accidently leaving the hat at the Freel's in Georgia), he was sure a happy lad to have it back in his life.  If I ever wanted him to divorce me, I would just throw this hat away.  I'm pretty sure that would do it.




Morning hair.  Tired eyes.  Half-cocked smile.

Does he look like he has a secret in this photo?


And as a matter of fact, he did.  An engagement secret.  Hidden in his pocket.


This picture makes me smile, because he looks so young.  It was obviously before years and years of a draining, horrible, exhausting marriage had taken their toll on him.
I kid. I kid.


I really have no idea what this look should be telling me.  Any ideas?
Frankly, it kind of scares me.
I like to call this smile the "it's my wedding night" smile.
Where is that line I'm not supposed to cross?
Oh, there is it.  Back there.  Whoops.


Happy Thursday, my friends!





Liver omelettes for brunch, anyone?


What we've got brewin' in the garden.