Bacon Waffles & Middle Hair Parts.

Oh my goodness. 

What a wonderful weekend.

It had enough happenings for a few weeks worth of blog posts, but instead of dragging on and on about such topics, let me just break it down for you.

Shaye's Random List of Random Goodies From The Wonderful Random Weekend

Random Fact #1:  On Friday night, I undertook the task of painting our office.  This is not a smart task to undertake at 8:00 p.m. when your average bedtime is 9:30 p.m.  I will be posting "before" and "after" pictures once I finally get the room put back together.  But at the moment, it still looks like raging animals came in and destroyed it.  Stuff.  Is.  Everywhere.  And I don't know where to put it.  HELP ME.

And on that note, my very own animal, Toby, stepped in the pan of paint and walked through the house.

So that was fun.

Random Fact #2:  Saturday morning, we went to Gene and Ellen's for bacon waffles.



Yes, they are just as good as they sound - tender little nibblets of bacon sleep in a warm, sweet waffle.  And if that isn't enough, you smear them with butter and homemade syrup.

I ate two.  Full ones.  I didn't even feel bad.  Or think twice.  Because it was just one of those moments in life when you need to jump in feet first.

And sometimes, if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing.  This was one of those occasions.  Just ask my thighs, which are now five inches larger.

Random Fact #3:  Saturday afternoon, we walked downtown with Jason and Aileen to watch our local festival's Grand Parade.  Even though we didn't watch the parade, as much as we window shopped, the buzz of the town was still enjoyable. 

Stuart rocked this backpack the whole day.  He's a stud.  Georgia was lovin' it.
A few minutes after ducking into an absurdly cute home decor store, which led me to realize that my home decor is lacking the absurd cuteness it needs, the skies opened up and it poured. 

We sat in the warmth of the store and laughed at people as they fled from the parade route, trying to cover their heads.

We are terrible people.

Random Fact #4:  After the downpour, we walked back to the fair, and ate this:

It's a gyro.  And for me and Stuart to each eat one, it cost us roughly 1/3 of our usual weekly food budget.  And even that didn't stop me.

It was full of beef, lettuce, feta, tsziki sauce, and onions.  It was calling my name.  Sucking me into its ethnic goodness.

I licked the foil clean. 

I have no self control.

Random Fact #5:  Yesterday was my very first Mother's Day as a Mama.  And I realized that even though it is a day to celebrate how much we love our Moms, it's the Mothers who get to enjoy the biggest blessing of all- getting to have children!

Next to being Stuart's wife, being a Mama is my most favoristist thing in the whole world.

I was welled up with tears on multiple occasions yesterday just seeing Stuart and G together, my heart near the point of explosion.


Why, oh why God, have you blessed this measly servant so! 

Random Fact #6:  Sometimes, when I get up in the morning, I say to myself, "Self - part your hair down the middle! Shake it up a bit!"

Then, I see pictures of myself, when my hair is parted down the middle, like this. 

And then I remember why I part it to the side.  Few people can pull off the center part.  And it's surely not people with large foreheads, such as yours truly. 

Nothin' like a good reminder.

A reminder that led my to schedule a hair appointment this week with my dearest friend, Carlee.  Who is going to hack up my hair on Tuesday.

So that I will not be bored with it and resort to parting it down the middle to "shake it up".

Sometimes, you gotta learn the hard way.

And now I must comfort my insecurities...with bacon waffles.

The end.


A growing garden.


Sweet Potato Soup & Matchstick Fries.