In my dreams. With no arms and legs.

People can say all they want that you don't have to have money to decorate your home beautifully - but I say that's poo-poo.

If it's true, then people must be far more talented than I.  Which is a very real possibility.

Now, I'm not sayin' that a fun do-it-yourself project can't turn out beautifully.  I know that there are quick pick-me-ups that can contribute to the overall freshness of my home.  But then I look at a stupid magazine like this...

...and I realize how far my home decor is from where I'd like it to be. 

I want to keep a home that is warm, welcoming, clean, full of fellowship and filled with good food.  I also want to keep a home that looks lovely.

Completely for selfish, vain reasons.  Because I think pretty homes are...pretty.

Oh look - there I am!

What?  You don't cut photos out of yourself and place them in luxurious magazine settings?  What's wrong with you!

I especially like to choose pictures of myself with no arms or legs.  Obviously.

Here I am, in my lovely kitchen.  I especially adore the mismatch platters and high ceilings.  It has a messy, lived in feel while still feeling put together and complete.

Maybe I'll just stroll down the hall take a rest in my ridiculously cool bedroom with gothic windows and vaulted ceilings.  We all know those are cheap.

Oh, by the way - did you know I'd taken up sheep farming?

Look at these walls!  And that quilt! (I'm still obviously resting.  In a different bed this time).

And another.

Welp! It's time to eat lunch from my 18th century table!
That really isn't an 18th century table - I made it up to sound dramatic.

I'm sure all of these fixtures and collectibles were very inexpensive.
(I am now using sarcasm to stress the expensive-ness of such items).

Obviously, those two meals wore me out.  I think it's time for another rest on my vintage linens.

I enjoy looking at such beautiful places.  It sparks the dreams in my head!

And if you don't got dreams - well, then... I don't know what.  But I think it's important to have 'em.

Sure - some people dream of success.  Money.  Riches.  Fame.  But not this lady.

I dream of cottages.  Stone.  Gardens.  Sheep.  Cows.  Lavender growing along a path.  Quilts.  Mantles.  Serving platters.  Real vintage silverwear.  Old ceramic crocks.  Wood chests.  Flowers.

And vintage tables that have room for 16 guests.

And for that vintage table to be filled with the most wonderful food imaginable.

And to have a maid so that I don't have to wash all the dishes after 16 guests.

What do you dream of?


Chicken Gumbo.


The pleasure of cacao.