Microwave. Diapers. Flowers.

A few orders of business today, my friends.

Number One.  I have been getting questions recently about how we are surviving without our microwave.  I am happy to report that we have been without our microwave now for, I don't know, however long it's been since I did that post.  A month?  A week?  A year?  I don't even remember - the memory department of my brain is roughly the size of a piece of rice.  Anyway, we are surviving just wonderfully without the 'ol beast.  We reheat our coffee in a small pan on the stove and while we have yet to try popcorn on the stove, I anticipate it to be an easy change.  Georgia's food is also reheated in a small pan, which takes roughly thirty seconds to reach a lukewarm temperature.  In fact, to be honest, we've hardly even noticed it being gone. 

Except now I have one million times more counterspace.

So that's cool.

And I would like to encourage you, if you are thinkin' about ditching your microwave...
DO IT!  It's one less thing to clean.  One less appliance on your counters.  One less product to replace or fix when it breaks.  I recently spent some time talking with a lady from my church who has raised a family of four without a microwave ever.  And guess what?

They all survived.  Isn't that wonderful news! 

Anyway, that's my update on that.  The Elliott Homestead will survive.

Number Two.  This has absolutly nothing to do with Number One.  I'm just saying.  Remember how I was worried about traveling with cloth diapers last weekend?  Well, eventually, we broke down and decided to just do disposable diapers while we were out of town to avoid having to lug our diaper pail back and forth.  Not that it would have been a huge deal, but none-the-less, it would simplify packing and such to just take some disposables.

The problem was, we didn't have any disposables. 

So, we packed enough cloth diapers to get us to Bellingham and then were just planning on picking some up at a grocery store once we arrived.  But after arriving, changing into our pajamas, and starting to watch reruns of our ALL TIME FAVORITE SHOW Parks & Recreation, our motivation to leave the house and pick up diapers was non-existant.

"Ah, we'll just go in the morning after breakfast."

Mind you, at this point, we were on #2 of the 3 cloth diapers we had packed to get us there.

And as the morning came and went, we again procrastinated on the running to the store.

"Ah, we'll just run this afternoon after the Farmers Market.  Just wash the one from last night - that'll get us by till later on.  I am lazy and a procastinator."

And as the afternoon came and went, we again procastinated on running to the store.

This little game we played with ourselves went on for the remainder of the trip.  So while we attempted to make things easier on ourselves by not taking cloth diapers and buying disposables, we made it twelve times harder on ourselves because not only did we not buy any disposables...

...but we made it through three days of traveling on rewashing the same three cloth diapers over and over.

And over.

And over.

And as this proves, sometimes my procrastination and laziness can literally create twelve times more work.  Instead of simply running to the store, I decided to do seventeen loads of laundry.  Actually, not even a load of laundry.

I washed three cloth diapers, like, seventeen times.

I need help.

Number Three.  Since I am sure that you do not want to see photographs of a rejected microwave or cloth diapers, I have decided to insert pictures of flowers I took this weekend.

Just in case you were wondering what the heck these photographs had to do with anything I was talking about.

Perhaps my post tomorrow shall be something more productive.

Or perhaps not.

The end.


Bovines, cream, and milk jugs!


Curried Chicken Salad.