My legs know it's summer.


After thunderstorms, rain, wind, cold spells, more thunderstorms, more rain, more wind, and more cold spells - it has arrived.


Sweet summer.

How do I know it's here, you ask?  Allow me the pleasure of explaining:

1.  My zucchini has blossoms.  Blossoms, people!  Hallelujah.  I thought they would never come.   Thus far, the harvest from the gardens has been strawberries, chives, sage, oregano, thyme, dill... and that's all.  Anytime those danged 'ol veggies want to show up I will gladly welcome them.

2.  I have piles and piles of laundry.  While means that I have been avoiding it.  Which means the weather has been so nice that I want to spend time outside - not folding clothes.  And amen.

3.  My kombucha ferments in less than a week, due to the fact that our house is warmer.  Due to the fact that we don't have air conditioning.  Which leads me to:

4.  The harsh reality that I can't snuggle with Stuart at night time.  Because it's too hot.  Due to that danged lack-of-air-conditioning fact.

Sorry, honey.

5.  The birds are eating my strawberries.  Which at least means that there are red, ripe, juicy fresh strawberries to be eaten!  I'm not a very good sharer, however.  You besta watch yourself, robin. 

6.  The sound of orchard sprinklers puts me to bed at night.  It's a sweet, sweet sound in my ears.

7.  I have seen three spiders in my house this week.  All nasty, disgusting, horrifying eight legged creatures show their faces when the weather gets this inviting.  Boo.

8.  Stuart doesn't have classes this week!  And even though he will start summer quarter next week, at least this one week is a break from the burdens (and joys) of school.

Remember being young and having summer breaks?  Three whole months of sunshine? 

Umm.  Why don't "grown-ups" (like myself) get summer vacation anymore?  Hello!  Girlfriend sure wouldn't mind a break like that!

Kids just don't know how good they have it, do they? 

Summer breaks.

Nap time.

Sponge baths.

Personal chefs.

Personal chauffeurs.

Personal diaper changers.

Alright - I probably wouldn't like to have a personal diaper (I mean, underwear) changer.  Some things I suppose are just better to do yourself.  However, I would gladly accept any of the other presented benefits noted above.

Thank you for your cooperation.

9.  My baby likes to play without her diaper on.


This has nothing to do with the fact that it's summer.  I just think there are few sites in the world cuter than a lil' naked baby bum.

10.  And last but not least, I have actually shaved my legs two times this week.  Inevitably due to the fact that I have been wearing dresses and capris.  Thus, in order to spare all of humanity from the vile sight, I have kept current on my leg grooming.

You are welcome.

The end.


Baby steps into lacto-fermentation.


Mexican Quinoa Salad.