3 in 30 Challenge.

While recently searching other blogs, like I inevitably do, I ran across something on Passionate Homemaking that struck a chord in the deep recesses of my soul.  Actually, that might be a tad dramatic.  But it did inspire me - and in the nature of sharing all good things via my blog - I am required by law to share it with you.

As with all women who tend to their homes, I can easily find myself in a struggle between knockin' tasks off my 'to-do' list and well, actually living.  And as we've talked about before, while I thoroughly enjoy an orderly and clean home, I do not enjoy being consumed by the tasks at hand.  I use my SHE Organization (has anyone out there tried this system yet?!) to handle the majority of tasks around the home - however, I can still find my mind reeling with all the projects (some fun, some not) that I want to accomplish.  Running across this program at Passionate Homemaking was a real blessing - it's been helping me categorize and prioritize these tasks that float around in my head.  

It's called 3 in 30.

And it encompasses setting 3 goals to accomplish in 30 days.

Not too complicated, huh?  It seems pretty manageable - and it may be just what I need to get these "I'd like to..." monkeys off my back.  

Off, monkeys!  Off!  I shall not be drug down by your overbearing ways!

So here is my proposition.  I want my readers (I know there are lurkers out there!) to take on this challenge with me.  We will start out by sharing our 3 goals with each other.  To expose our monkeys, in a sense.  To share each other's burdens with one another.  Then, I'll remind you of the challenge, ever so gently, along the way.  I hope this will give us a chance to encourage one another!

So here are my goals for the next 30 days:

Goal #1.  Clean out my car and give it a tune-up, like big time.  My brother-in-law is a mechanic and very handy when it comes to tune ups.  The 'ol X-Terra needs need belts, new fluids, a washing (er, scrubbing), a vacuum, a dusting, a good clean-out, the tires rotated and balanced and some overall care.  Not that I've been neglecting it or anything...

Goal #2.  Read my bible every day.  Pray every day alone.  Pray every day with my husband.  Memorize a scripture each week.  Although I mostly do this each day anyway, I want to do it every.  single.  day.  I have become quite lazy about memorizing scripture and I think this will be a good way to keep me on top of it.  Anyone have any favorites that come to mind?

Goal #3.  Clean out our cellar.  It is home to baby clothes, baby toys, beer making equipment, 35 bottles of homemade peach wine, mason jars, saloon doors, storage bins, cardboard boxes, empty beer bottles waiting to be filled, spiders, monsters, goblins, and cobwebs.  It's like hell on earth.  I'm going to have to put a plastic suit on before I will be brave enough to go down there.  I have a horrible imagine of a dangling spider creeping down my neck....Bah!  I might have just wet my pants with fear.  The cellar is horrible.  The cellar needs help.  Plus, I need shelves down there to store all the mason jars of food I'm planning on putting up this summer!  I've been avoiding it like the plague - imagine that...

If you haven't already "liked" the Elliott Homestead on Facebook, do it now!  There is a link in the right column of this page.  That will be the easiest way for us to communicate as we trample along this 30 day path! It would be make me happier than Georgia eatin' an avocado if you kept my posted on your goals and accomplishments!

Also - please hold me accountable.  I can be a lazy, disoriented, distracted goober head.

We all have our tasks.  Our challenges.  Our hurdles.  But setting goals, holding ourselves accountable, praying for each other and encouraging one another can help lessen the monkey load!

3 in 30 Challenge - what are YOUR goals?  

Spill the beans, man!


The blessing of lactation.


Happy 4th of July!