The beginning goods of summer.

Truly, I cannot even get my head straight enough to write a post at this moment.  It must have been all that warm sunshine.  Forgive me, I can only bring my weekend to you in the form of a list.  Although, one could make the argument that lists are far more productive anyway, as they cut straight to the point and avoid the inevitable wordy explanations - which I am guilty of at this very moment.  Shall we move on?

Blueberries.  Sweet blueberries.  While shopping at a local food market, I found these berries that were grown nearby.  They were all picked and beautiful and...well...I collapsed under the pressure and purchased them.  I don't regret it either.  In fact, I may just go back and purchase some more.  After eating some of them fresh, I decided to freeze the rest.  That way, in the frigid cold of the winter, we can enjoy a little taste of summer - tangy morsels from heaven.

2.  Steak.  We packed some top sirloins, a baked sweet potato, fresh watermelon, and freshly picked cherries.  Then, we went to a local brewery and enjoyed some local beer while we grilled them outside and listened to a fiddle player.  A local brewery with a bring your own steak policy?  Yes, please!

>3.  Peach wine.  Homemade from last year's peach crop.  The last time I tasted it, I have to admit, it was pretty harsh.  But after a year of aging in the cellar, it's really developed some nice flavor.  There is nothing I enjoy more than a glass of homemade wine.  Even if it's not perfect, knowing that you created it yourself (well, with your husband that is) is worth more than the finest peach wine you could buy.  Plus, we have about 30 bottles of it. Can't beat that!

4.  And lastly, lavender.  My husband loves me so much that he brought me two buckets full of freshly clipped lavender.  It is heavenly, truly heavenly.  I just want to rub my face all over it!

Did that sound weird? 

Well too bad.  I do.  I love.  Love. LOVE.  LAVENDER.  I hung it up to dry so that I can use it for lavender tea in the winter, honey lavender ice cream, lavender lemon tea cookies, potpourri...

...and whatever else I want, man!

The summer season truly brings with it a bounty of goodness - wow!  I am overwhelmed by all the wonderful things popping up around our valley.  On this weeks ticket is canning, freezing, and dehydrated apricots and cherries - the first of the fruit crops.  I think I will also buy another flat of blueberries to add to the ever-growing berry collection from the season.  

Oh, and I almost forgot!  It's raspberry pickin' time baby!  Time to bust out the buckets and get to work!  Even though it can be time consuming, and, having a freshly picked raspberry (or several) with a dollop of homemade whipped cream is worth every morsel of energy that went in to picking 'em.  Plus, the freeze wonderfully and are a welcomed addition to winter smoothies, cakes, and muffins.

Great.  Now I'm hungry.

Who wants to come grill me a steak, pour me a glass of peach wine, whip up some berries and cream, and then finish me off with lavender-infused iced tea?

Anyone?  Anyone?

Fine.  I'll do it myself.

But I'm eatin' it all.  I'm not sharing.  Not even one bite.

What have YOU been doing to enjoy Summer?