A few of my favorite things.

Simple pleasures.

That's what I always say...right?

I want to show you a few of these small, simple pleasures that linger around my house. And please note, these simple pleasures are primarily actual things.  Things that I have received, or collected, over the years that make me smile.  They make not be much, but all it takes is a little sumfin' to make this girl happy.

I love this platter. My Mom gave it to me last year, and every single day, I look at it and smile.  I love how the Mama is wearing an apron and holds the baby on her hip.  I love that above the door the sign says 'Guds Fred' or translated, 'God's Grace'.  I love the colors, I love the style.  I just love it.  I used to remember the name of the artist who painted this...but now it's slipping my mind.  Anyone know?

How now brown cow.  Actually, white cow.  This is the newest addition to my favorite things list.  My little sister bought this cow for me - it's a creamer!  And even though I don't take cream in my coffee ("I'll take it black and strong.  Like my men."),  I still love having it out for the sissies who do take cream in their coffee (ahem, Jess and Jason).  I love it's simple design.  Old, yet new.  Just my style.

Ah, yes.  This beauty.  I bought this chest for $50 at an antique store.  It's huge.  Originally, it was built as a tool box.  All the corners are dove-tailed in to one another - the craftsmanship is remarkable.  Inside the chest lay three, long, flat boxes that were used to organize the tools.  I've since pulled them out, screwed them into the wall, and utilized them as an assortment of shelves - they work wonderfully!  I love knowing that decades ago, a hard working man used this for his work.  The chest sits in my living room, doubling as our coffee table and blanket-holder.  It's so old that occasionally, a nail falls out...or a chunk of wood breaks off.  But that's okay.  It only adds to the wonderful essence that lives in old pieces, such as this. 

Did someone say vino?  Oh...wait...that was me.  This print hangs above the work area in my kitchen (hence, the splatters on it).  How can you not smile when you look at this?!  Another gift from my dear parents.  Apparently, there is something about a couple drinking wine that reminded them of Stuart and I.  Hmm.  I love how the woman is sitting barefoot on the barrel - I dig her style.  And the husband?  Well, he is a good reminder to practice self-control when drinking the vino.  No one likes a sloppy husband.  

I bought this tray for $6. It's aluminum.  I love the feel of it and the pretty engraving that is marked throughout.  It's feminine, but not girly.  Dainty, but chunky.  It sits on my large chest, adorned with a plant or flower of sorts.  It's one of those pieces that just helps to complete the feel of the room - I'm so thankful I didn't get cheap and pass it by.  I would have missed it.

And last but not least, the cowboy boot salt & pepper shakers.  Because we use sea salt and freshly ground pepper, we don't really use them.  But none-the-less, they happily adorn a shelf in the kitchen.  I'm usually not one for cutesty-little decorations, but these little ceramic boots just make my heart smile.  I'm not sure why.  

She makes my heart smile, too.  

And speaking of babies licking whisks, you've gotta check out the super easy lemon mousse recipe I posted at Forgotten Way Blog.  Trust me, you don't want to miss this recipe!


Lemon Mousse. Lick the whisk.


Family Camp. Trinity Style.