Homemade Honey Frosting.

Friday was my little pickle's birthday, as you are well aware since I've told you twenty times already.

And I'm still mourning, and celebrating, the fact that she is growing up so quickly. While it's hard to see her grow out of her baby-ness, I am also excited for all of the new things she is learning and becoming. She plays now. And giggles. And hides. And chases. And hugs. And kisses. And snuggles. 

Friday, at her birthday party, she began walking.

And I cheered. 

And I cried.

Then I begged my husband to have another baby with me.


Moving on.

Seriously, though. I need another baby.

For reals, I'm moving on now.

Her wonderful birthday celebration didn't come without some forethought to what baked goody we would enjoy! And while I tried to convince Stuart it would be fun to make some red-velvet cupcakes colored with beet puree, he insisted that I make something...less...beet-y. So instead, I opted for a chocolate zucchini cupcake. And while I wish I would have taken the time to soak the flour, I didn't. It's a good thing Sally Fallon wasn't invited to this birthday party - she wouldn't have been pleased...

...although...I must share with you this killer frosting recipe I found! I can't remember where I came across it...otherwise I would give them credit...

Never-the-less, this frosting was super easy and super delicious. I was so thankful to have a healthier alternative to the typical powdered-sugar frosting option. I will be using this for my go-to frosting from now on, as it far surpasses the coconut oil based "frosting" I have attempted before. Which didn't taste good. And didn't have a good frosting texture. Bleh.

I'm half-tempted to just mix up a batch and keep it in the fridge for when I need a lil sweet pick-me-up...because sometimes, that's just what I need. Quit judging.

Vanilla Frosting
This recipe is a vanilla based frosting, though it could easily be altered to chocolate or orange or lemon or almond or cinnamon or whatever your heart desires. Add a few tablespoons of cocoa powder or the zest of an orange, lemon, or lime, or even a teaspoon or two of almond extract or cinnamon! Yummo.

You will need:
 - 2/3 cups honey
 - 3 egg whites
 - Pinch sea salt
 - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

Step One: In a double boiler (or a smaller pan placed in a half-filled-with-water larger pan), using an electric mixer, beat together the honey, egg whites, and salt. Whip it. Whip it good.

Step Two: Keep whipping the honey/egg mixture as your bring the water in the bottom pan to a boil. This will take a few minutes.

Step Three: Once the water is brought to a boil, continue mixing for another five minutes. Then, remove from heat.

Step Four: Mix in your vanilla and continue to mix with the beaters until peaks form. Or until you like the texture that you see.

Step Five  Ta-da!!!! Frosting. Shiny. Sweet. Marshmallow-like. Wholesome. Sinfully delicious.

This was the perfect topping to these dark chocolate cupcakes. Mmm.

As you can see, Georgia quite thoroughly enjoyed it.

Isn't it a rule on your baby's birthday that they are allowed to get as messy as they'd like while eating their cake? No one even cares if there is chocolate smeared in their ears and between their toes. They just look so dang cute...when in Rome, I say! When in Rome, on your birthday, get messy while eating your cake!

A good time was had by all...

G-baby and Brooks...

Kyson... my baking help and bowl licker...

Papa and two of his grandbabies...

Grandpa Larson...

... and a stuffed hippo from Auntie ...

And did I mention cupcakes with frosting?!

What a special day it was! Maybe next year, there will be another little one's birthday to celebrate!...

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Blame my uterus.

And enjoy this frosting!

This post part of Real Food Wednesdays!

For other great meal ideas, no matter what your dietary restrictions, check out the meal planning service I use: Real Plans.

Vanilla Frosting

  1. In a double boiler (or a smaller pan placed in a half-filled-with-water larger pan), using an electric mixer, beat together the honey, egg whites, and salt. Whip it. Whip it good.

  2. Keep whipping the honey/egg mixture as your bring the water in the bottom pan to a boil. This will take a few minutes.

  3. Once the water is brought to a boil, continue mixing for another five minutes. Then, remove from heat.

  4. Mix in your vanilla and continue to mix with the beaters until peaks form. Or until you like the texture that you see.

  5. Ta-da!!!! Frosting. Shiny. Sweet. Marshmallow-like. Wholesome. Sinfully delicious.


Hoop-houses & fall plantings.


Happy 1st Birthday G-Love.