Instead of this post.

Instead of writing this blog post, I am out savoring my last few weekends of summer.

I'm gathering green beans and tilling soil.

I'm going to weddings and eating barbecue in the sunshine.

I'm grilling corn and picking berries.

I'm pushing my baby in the swing.

I'm staring at my tomatoes...hoping...praying...that they'll turn red before the first frost.

I'm shooting daggers with my eyes at everyone who has red tomatoes.

I'm toilet-papering their houses, too.  And throwing green tomatoes at their cars.

I'm kidding.

I'm assisting Stuart in bottling his recent batch of beer...well, more like observing really.

I'm hangin' with my brother-in-law, J-Man. Aka: Jerry.  Aka: Jeremy.  

I'm eating my third bowl of freshly grown peaches and cream.
No, I'm not exaggerating.

I'm buying corn from my car window on shady street corners.  It sort of makes me feel like a drug-addict.

I'm walking around barefoot.  In the dirt.  

I'm sitting by the window, sipping some kombucha, soaking up the sunshine on my face.  Just because I can.  Because it's summer.  And it's ending.  And frankly, I'm not quite ready for that yet.

So instead of writing this post, as you can obviously tell, I have a lot of things to keep me busy.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get the tongue started in the slow-cooker for tacos tonight.  Umm, ya.  You heard me right.  We're really jumpin' in the deep-end with this one...but Jerry swears they're I thought, why the heck not.  Let's give it a go.  Tongue tacos.

You know I love you too much to not tell you how they turn out.  Trust me.  It will be documented.  Me and my D70 won't let ya down.  Aren't you glad you have me here for such news coverage?!

Have a wonderful Labor Day!


A life book. By, yours truly.

