She done did it. She's weaned.

She done did it.

Faster than a speeding bullet...

...without reservation...or remorse...

She's officially nursed for the last time.

When we initial began weaning about a month ago, I expected it to be a slow and gradual process.  I suppose it's a mixed blessing, having an easy-going child, because frankly...she could have cared less.

Breast milk?  Great.  Cow's milk?  Great.  Warm milk?  Sure.  Cold milk?  Why not.  Bottle?  Okay!

We slowly began phasing out nursing one feeding at a time, replacing it with raw cow's milk.  This slow transition allowed my body to adjust the amount of milk I was producing, thus discouraging any horrifically painful engorgement (sorry, there is no better word to use there...).  And it worked beautifully.  Me = no engorgement.  Although, I must say, I didn't anticipate that after nursing I would not longer be able to fit into any of my bras.  Because I now am a Negative AA.


When I sat down to nurse her yesterday morning (her only nursing feeding of the day), she began to squirm and cry a little.  So I offered her a bottle and she took to it right away, happily snuggling me good morning.

Wahhhh!!! Is it really over?!?!

I cried.  Really.

Because I am an emotional brain-fart.

Although, as my kind husband reminded me, "Eventually...we knew this would happen.  I mean, wouldn't that be weird if she never stopped?"

Why, yes.  Yes, it would.

Nursing has been such a special bonding time for her and I, and while I was ready to begin the weaning process, saying goodbye to nursing is saying goodbye to a huge chapter that her and I have shared together.  

Based on some rough calculations, I figured that we've shared this experience almost 3,000 times together over the last year.  That's a lotta nursin' baby.

None-the-less, I am thankful that we were able to successfully make it to a year.  I am thankful for all those hours I was able to spend holding and feeding her.  I am thankful for having a child who not only made nursing, but also weaning, an easy process.  

I am thankful to have a happy, healthy, and growing babe.

And while this next year of her life may not involve nursing (or funky-flapped bras...or breast pads...or leakage...or engorgement) I'm sure it will include many adventures.  

For which I am very thankful.

Even though I'm still a little sad.

But that just may be the incredibly volatile weaning hormones talking.

I may need help.

The end.


Spiced Lentil Soup with Roasted Tomatoes & Eggplant.


Hoop-houses & fall plantings.