Friday Menu #2.

One dirty house + one napping babe = I need to get my toosh off this computer and get to work!


However, in keeping with my promise from last week, I'll at least shout out our menu for next week!  You can read more about menu planning HERE.




Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, bacon, kefir smoothies

Snack: Homemade popcorn

Lunch: Leftover tomato soup, sliced cucumbers, and fruit

Dinner: Quinoa-spaghetti and meatballs, green salad with dried fruit, toasted nuts, and homemade vinaigrette



Breakfast: Soaked oatmeal with fresh fruit

Snack: Cheese sticks, almonds

Lunch: Leftover spaghetti & salad

Dinner: Fried rice with vegetables, miso cabbage salad with avocado and almonds



Breakfast: Fried potatoes, eggs, corn tortillas, fresh fruit

Snack: Bananas, homemade protein bars

Lunch: Leftover fried rice

DinnerSlowcooker chicken soup, baked sweet potato halves with butter & honey



Breakfast: Dutch baby pancake & bacon (What?! I like bacon!)

Snack: Homemade protein bars, sliced veggies

Lunch: Leftover chicken soup

Dinner: Ground, grass-fed beef tacos with avocado, fresh cabbage, pepper strips, and cilantro... oh, and fruit and yogurt salad!



Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with cheese, kefir smoothies

Snack: Apple slices, homemade spicy almonds

Lunch: Leftover tacos

Dinner: Homemade hummus with Zarathustra bread (recipe coming soon!), carrot & celery sticks, fruit slices, and cheese...fine, and wine.



Breakfast: Soaked oatmeal with fresh fruit... and eggs and bacon (I seem to be forming a routine here...) 

Snack: Homemade popcorn

Lunch: Leftover hummus and/or chicken soup

Dinner: Mom and Dad's with the family!



I'm leaving Saturday open because we're thinking about visiting a nearby Bavarian town for Oktoberfest!  And even though I'm not crazy about brats...something tells me they'll be on the menu...


But sometimes, you just gotta go with the flow and eat a brat.  You know what I'm saying?


What's on YOUR menu this week?


The collage.


Catechizing Our Child.