Good company, good drink, and good conversation.

The Lord has truly blessed us. 

This past weekend, as we went about our normal routine, this reality struck me: we are surrounded with an abundance of love, friendship, and fellowship - at every corner, there is a willing and helping hand, eager to lend their support & encouragement.

Where would we be without this communion?

Lonely and haggard.  That's where.

Take our dear friend Jess, for example.

Him and his wife Natali have fed us so many times, I lost count at a million.  They always ensure our bellies and glasses our full.  They have blessed us with deep friendship, prayer, and yes, even Babywise.  Natali has been a wonderful model for me to watch as a young mother and I eagerly soak up her graceful parenting skills.  They are a Godly couple and serve as a wonderful example to Stuart and I.

Plus, Jess likes beer as much as Stuart does, and I'm thankful Stu has a man to share that with.  I, too, enjoy beer - however, I am a woman.  Not the same thing.

Here's another great blessing: Uncle Jerry.  Aka: J-Money.   Aka: Jeremiah.  Okay, fine, I'm sure you know by now his real name is Jeremy but there are just so many plays off that name, I can't help myself!

Jeremy loves this little girl so much - getting to see them together makes my heart burst.  He blesses us with his fellowship, his humor, his support, and his music.  Whenever he comes for the weekend, I am happy to see those feet sticking off the end of the short couch in the morning - it makes me happy when he's here!  

Plus, Jerry likes cigars and good food as much as Stuart does, and I'm thankful Stu has a man to share that with.  I, too, enjoy good food - but cigars?  Nope.  Can't help him there.

Or these guys.  Our craft-night partners in crime.  Again, these two have welcomed us into their home so many times for supper, I can't even come close to recalling all the meals.  

(Do you like how I pawn my baby off on people to hold so that I can take pictures?!)

Jas & Leena have blessed us not only with delicious food, but also with prayer.  It's very encouraging to know that there are others out there praying for you - heck, I'll take all of that I can get!

We have been blessed with hospitality & brats.

We have been blessed with good company, good drink, and good conversation.

We have been blessed with far more than we deserve.

I am so thankful for the incredible people the Lord has chosen to place in our lives - I truly believe that who is in your life matters.  For the good, the bad, or the ugly. 

I only hope that I can return a portion of the goodness that has come our way.  

And Amen.


Friday Menu #4.


Caldo Verde.