Noisy Toy.

I mean...really.  Who thought they were a good idea?

They taunt you - shrieking of all things baby.

Back before I had Georgia, I swore I would never have them.  And then, by some horrible twist of fate (ahem, my sister Brynn), we still ended up with one anyway.

Insert - The Noisy Toy.

Sure, it looks cute and innocent, as it flaunts it's plastic structure and primary colors.  It lures you in with it's bright smiley face and it's flashing lights - but no, oh no.  Don't be fooled.  

For this toy will haunt you in your sleep.


I woke up the other morning with this song running through my head:
     I feel silly when I play
     I feel silly every day
     Sometimes tired and grouchy, too
     But I feel glad when I'm with you!

Yikes.  Not exactly what I want running through my head at 5:00 a.m.  Sure, it doesn't sound that bad when I type it out - but it's the voice.  The female voice that sings this alluring jingle that really gets me.

Oh wait.  There's more! Try this one:
     Green grass, blue skies
     Flowers of red
     Smile because the yellow sun is shining overhead
     *Insert electronic giggle*

That one is Stuart's favorite.

And you know what the worst part is?  Georgia LOVES it.

She's always smacking the smiley face in the face so it'll sing her another song.  And it just won't stop!

What's so wrong with toys that just sit there and look pretty, I ask?  What's so wrong with toys that have little blocks to move around or plastic rings to pull on?  Is it such a crime to be entertained by non-noisy objects?!  Lawdy, have mercy.

I suppose I should be thankful that we've been able to skirt by with only one noisy toy.  It could be much worse!  Do you remember those old toys they made that looked like a plastic lawnmower or a vacuum cleaner? And when the baby pushed it around, it made the balls inside pop all around and make a TON of noise?  

Ah could be much worse. Those things are noisy!

However, I would still like to take this moment to thank my dear sister, my friend, for buying this toy for Georgia for her birthday.  Never has my home been filled with such wonderful electronic singing.

If I ever decide to put the batteries back in, I'm sure G-love will really enjoy it.

I'm kidding. 

I wouldn't do that to poor G-baby.

Or would I...


Dutch Baby Pancake with Almonds & Apples.


The ant is done storing.