
My baby has curls.

Wee little curls that dance all over her head.

Some are blond - others are brown.  Frankly, it doesn't matter what color they are or become...because they're beautiful.

Georgia was a bald baby - mucho bald, in fact.  So to see her start growing these beautiful little curls makes me realize just what a big girl she is becoming.  


I've tried to tame her hair, though as my husband and her would have it, usually the curls run free.  I've tried pigtails...or a ponytail...or cute little ribbons and headbands...

...but in the end, it always ends up just as it began. 

Unless she sleeps on her dear curls, in which case, she awakens looking like she stuck her finger in an electrical socket.  They get so fuzzy and frizzy - it's adorable.

Yes, I do realize that this post is of no real importance - though I still felt it necessary to share with you, and the world, how much I love this baby.  And how much I love her curls.

And how much I love her Daddy who gave her these beautiful curls.

And how much I would love to have another little baby who may or may not have beautiful curls.

Also...she was a beautiful purple fairy.

Who somehow lost her shirt along the way...

The end.


Wild Mushroom Risotto.


Fall gardening & the purple fairy.