Friday Menu #6.

Fridays sure come fast, don't they?  I like that.

I love sitting down on Thursday afternoons in a quiet, clean house, sipping some tea, and planning out next weeks menu.  

However, this Thursday afternoon is much less serene than the ideal situation stated above.  My house is a mess, as is my tangled, wind-blown hair (which no doubt points to my mental state as well).  I'm slowly learning to work among the chaos - not fight it.  And Amen.

I'm trying to keep next weeks menu simple and straightforward, only going to the store for items that are absolutely necessary - like bananas.  They are a must with G-love and breakfast kefir smoothies.  We put in our Azure Standard order this week, and thus, spent most of the grocery budget on our bulk food items (this week, we ordered almonds, raw cheese, organic brown rice, Organic Valley pastured butter, and a few other things I can't remember at the moment).  Even though it can be difficult to bite-the-bullet and invest in bulk food, it really does save us money in the long run.  Eventually, I think I'd like to get to the point where I'm planning our menus out monthly instead of weekly.  That way, I can make sure I order everything I need from Azure, as they only deliver locally once per month.  I hate having to go to the health food store to buy an overpriced package of rice pasta when I can order the same product for less money in bulk - though sometimes it's just unavoidable.

I worry that my weekly menus may bore you - sometimes the culinary creation fever strikes, and other days, I'm just focused on getting nutritious food on the table.  I suppose that's what this menu should serve as though - a glimpse into the actual everyday cooking that happens here on the homestead.  It ain't always fancy  - but it's always nourishing and delicious.  This week, I'm drawing some inspiration from 'Jamie at Home' - a cookbook I checked out from the public library.  

It's got pretty pictures.  That's all a girl needs to get excited.

Let's rock it.


BreakfastScrambled eggs & kefir smoothies

SnackHomemade popcorn

LunchLeftovers from the weekend!

Dinner: Sweet tomato & sausage bake with mashed potatoes and green salad


Breakfast: Soaked oatmeal with fresh fruit

Snack: Cheese sticks, almonds

LunchLeftover tomato & sausage bake, fresh fruit
Dinner: Twice-baked potatoes with roasted corn and fresh herbs, green salad with veggies, and baked apples


BreakfastFried potatoes, eggs, sprouted corn tortillas, fresh fruit

SnackBananas, homemade protein bars

Lunch: Leftover baked potatoes, fresh fruit and veggies
Dinner: Roman lentil soup, baguettes, and fresh veggies with olive oil & vinegar


BreakfastPear tart with cream and cinnamon & scrambled eggs

SnackHomemade protein bars, sliced veggies

Lunch: Leftover roman lentil soup, fruit & veggie slices

Dinner: B.L.T.A.s on baguettes with buttered sweet potato halves and veggies slices


BreakfastFried eggs & kefir smoothies

Snack: Apple slices, homemade spicy almonds

Lunch: B.L.T.A.s, fruit, and veggies

Dinner: Jewel salad (recipe forthcoming!) and grilled sirloin steak


BreakfastSoaked oatmeal with apples, eggs

SnackHomemade popcorn

Lunch: Leftovers jewel salad and cheese sticks

DinnerMom and Dad's!

Free-bird Saturday.  Can you hear my rebel yell?

That's as good as it's gunna get this week folks - I am already exciting about photographing some of these recipes and sharing them with you!

I am a geek.

The end.

Have a great weekend!


French-style baguettes.


An obsession.