Life at this moment.

It's been one of those crazy beautiful days.  Great conversations with friends, delicious lentil soup, 'Tangled' on Netflix with baby G, and our very first snow of the year!  Here's a rundown:

1.  I had to run outside freakishly fast to save my lettuce from the snow!  The plastic cover had blown off in the windstorm we had yesterday and the wee little plants were shivering.  The lettuce fulfilled it's culinary destiny...we had salad with our soup for dinner.

2.  This is my all time favorite fruit.  OF ALL TIME.  Even though they are $2.50 a piece, I still splurge on them all winter long and pick at them like a little squirrel.  Is there any more beautiful of a fruit?  They're decadent, spunky, flavorful and downright delicious.  I want Santa to fill my stocking with them.  What?  Can't a girl dream?

3.  This is (literally) almost all of the counter space in my kitchen.  Though I'm not quite sure how this happened, in a matter of minutes, it was overrun with carrot peelings, cookbooks, soaking grains, and a compost bowl.  Lawd, help me.  My poor kitchen.

4.  Stuart and I have "affectionately" named this the Elephant Trunk.  It's G's main source of entertainment.  She just walks around with her trunk up in the air, snuggles up to a counter, desk, or dresser, and reaches her little mitt up there to see what she can find.  She never knows what's she's going to pull down (be it a dirty sock or piece of chocolate) but she sure loves the thrill of the hunt.  Today, she got that nice little chunk of Parmesan cheese.  Score. 

And speaking of chocolate, the other day, I had G-love on our bed while I was folding laundry, when I noticed her chewing on something.  I asked her to spit it out and she obliged.  Turns out, it was chocolate.  Now, how the heck did she find a piece of chocolate on my bed?  I may never know...

5.  Stuart loves it when I take pictures of him.  Obviously.  He also loves the fact that he has approximately 46,912 things to finish in the next two weeks for school.  Obviously.  School finals = no bueno for my poor husband.

6.  Dish soap makes wonderful bath bubbles for the wee one.

7.  It's cold out there!  This is the view from my kitchen window - it sends goosebumps down my legs just thinking about going out there.  And speaking of goosebumps, is it fact or fiction that the more you have goosebumps the faster your leg hair grows?  Because if it's a fact, then I'm going to be one hairy lady this winter.  It's cold.

8.  I am pouting that it now gets dark at 4:30 p.m.  This is very hindering for a natural light photographer.

And that is life at this moment.  See?  I told you.  Crazy beautiful.

I am now going to take a bubble bath, paint my nails red, and continue reading 'The Help'.  Because I can.

And that's all.


Jewel Salad & Friday Menu #7.


Nourishing our wee ones with nut truffles.