Faux Fur & Harry Potter.

Call me lazy.  I can handle it.

You see, since harvest wrapped up last month, and I've stopped gardening...and canning...and dehydrating...and gleaning...and freezing...

...well, I've taken a break.

Though I'm usually quite productive after Georgia goes to sleep at night, these past few weeks...not so much.

So soon as that sweet little baby gets laid down and dishes get washed from dinner, this Mama is done.

There is no more cleaning.  No more folding laundry.  Nothing productive what-so-ever.  Sure, occasionally I upload photos to the blog, or take a bath, or stare at the wall...but nothing beyond that.

Winter is my time to fill up the 'ol energy tank again.  It's my time to catch up on poor, neglected knitting and crochet projects.  It's my time to watch five episodes of Psych and/or Parks and Recreation in a row.  It's my time to drink hot chocolate, curl up in my faux fur blanket, and nap.  It's my chill time, man.

My faux fur lovely.

Stuart kindly hinted that maybe we should be more productive at night time, now that he is on a break from school and all.  At this point in our conversation, my face turned into that of a monster, claws shot out of my fingertips and I hissed "BACK OFF, JACK.  THIS IS MY CHILL TIME."

But even despite the monster episode, he still won, and I agreed to at least do something somewhat productive.  And me, always being fifteen years behind the times, am now please to say I am on page 36 of Harry Potter:  The Sorcerer's Stone.  (For those of you not familiar with the series, that's the first book.  Though I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the universe who has yet to read them.)

So far, this is what I've gathered:  Harry has the worst life imaginable because he has to sleep with spiders.  And I want to punch that Dudley kid in the face.  Really bad.

Gosh, it's almost like I'm a professional Book Critic or something, isn't it?  


I am happy to say that my night time will now be filled with Harry Potter, as I have been forewarned by many, they can be quite addicting.  Though I do love a good adventure...

If I don't post for a few weeks, please come and save me from myself.

This could get ugly.


Guest Post: A Stanley Hudson Christmas


This gift.