Homemade Fudge.

You know what helps cure the plague that's floating around my family?

Homemade fudge.

It's true.

And while I realize this post is a few weeks late (I mean, how fun would it have been to make homemade fudge for Christmas gifts?), I suppose it's better late than never.

And of course, my love of all things chocolate has no seasonal preference. I love chocolate in the fall. In the winter. In the spring. And in the summer. It's year-round love, really.

This fudge doesn't require any cooking, any heating, or any funky ingredients. The variations are endless, thus making it the perfect adaptable fudge for whatever type of chocolate you love the most. 

Homemade Fudge
You will need: 
 - 1 cup of high-quality butter, softened or 1 cup of virgin organic coconut oil
 - 3/4 cup to 1 cup of raw honey, depending on how sweet you like your fudge
 - 1 cup of organic cocoa powder
 - 1 teaspoon vanilla 
 - Teeny pinch salt

Step One: Blend all the ingredients together in your food processor until very creamy.

Step Two: Spread the fudge into a parchment paper lined pan.

Step Three: Refrigerate until firm and keep there until you're ready to eat it.

Step Four: Slice. Savor. Enjoy.

See? I told you it was easy.

Why, yes, I'd love another piece. Thank you.

Adaptations include adding shredded coconut, peanut butter, chopped walnuts, peppermint extract, almond extract, or whatever it is your little heart desires! Apparently, my heart was feeling simple and boring, because I just made the plain 'ol fudge. And it was still a decadent treat!

This recipe is wonderful - and proof that high quality sweet-treats don't have to be labor intensive.

Please, make the fudge. Eat the fudge. Enjoy the fudge.

It helps to ward off the plague I hear...

This post part of Real Food Wednesdays!

For other great meal ideas, no matter what your dietary restrictions, check out the meal planning service I use: Real Plans.

Homemade Fudge

  1. Blend all the ingredients together in your food processor until very creamy.

  2. Spread the fudge into a parchment paper lined pan.

  3. Refrigerate until firm and keep there until you're ready to eat it.

  4. Slice. Savor. Enjoy.


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