Two-Minute Raw Nut Butter.

Oh, I have something so fun for you today!


But who am I kidding.  Every day is a party on the homestead, baby.


But today, on this special day, I bring you something super easy, super delicious, and super healthy.


Homemade nut butter.


Notice I didn't say "peanut" butter, because frankly, you can use whatever variety of nut you desire.  And I'm not going to call this specific recipe "peanut butter" because then it would lead you to believe it tastes exactly like store-bought peanut butter, which is does not.


I like to think of it more like a nut spread, really.  It's like peanut meets butter meets spread meets coconut.


See?  I told you it was a party.


This is a delicious accompaniment to bananas, pancakes, waffles, baguettes, or bacon.  What?  You've never eaten nut butter on bacon?  


Me neither...ahem...


This recipe will take you approximately two minutes.  So, if you're looking to make some homemade goodness for friends or family this Christmas, it would be a wonderful treat to share!  Spoon it into some cute jars, add a little ribbon, and tie on a tag with the ingredients. How delicious would that be?


And no.  I'm not giving this delicious treat out as gifts this year.  Because some of my readers are friends and/or family that would be receiving these 'alleged' gifts, and frankly, that would just ruin the fun of surprising them.  



Raw Nut Butter

You will need: 

 - 3 cups of raw nuts (almonds and peanuts are my favorite)

 - About 1 cup of organic, cold-pressed virgin coconut oil

 - 1/2 - 1 teaspoon sea salt (depending on taste preferences)

 - 2 tablespoons raw honey



Step One:  Using your food processor, grind the nuts into a fine meal/powder.  If you have a super cool VitaMix blender, you could do this in there and really get a smooth texture...but for us mortals, "a fine meal/powder" is the best we're gunna get.



Step Two:  Add in the coconut oil, salt, and honey.  Mix until the texture is smooth and buttery.  If it seems to dry or course, add in more coconut oil until you get the desired consistency.



Step Three:  Put into a jar.  Consume.  I like to keep it in little jars, so I can store them in the fridge until I'm ready to use them.  It "smears" best at room temperature, so remember to take it out before you want to use it (or just keep it at room temperature if you're going to eat through it quickly!).



See I told you it'd be a pretty painless recipe - and I don't exaggerate all the time.  (Side-note: Yes, I was watching an episode of Psych on the laptop while I was making this, and yes, that's why part of the computer is in the frame. Whoops.)


Find a bulk supplier for your raw almonds or peanuts and you'll be savin' some moolah with this recipe too - have you priced out raw almond butter lately?  It's a crime.


So, let's recap.


  Raw nuts = happy, healthy fats.

+Raw coconut oil = lauric acid, capric acid, caprylic acid, antimocrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, and antioxidant goodness.

+Raw honey = super boost to the immune system.

= A mighty fine treat.





Raw Nut Butter

  • 3 cups raw nuts ((almonds and peanuts are my favorite))
  • ~1 cup organic, cold-pressed virgin coconut oil
  • ½ - 1 tsp sea salt  ((depending on taste preferences))
  • 2 tbsp 2 tablespoons 
  1. Using your food processor, grind the nuts into a fine meal/powder.  If you have a super cool VitaMix blender, you could do this in there and really get a smooth texture…but for us mortals, “a fine meal/powder” is the best we're gunna get.

  2. Add in the coconut oil, salt, and honey.  Mix until the texture is smooth and buttery.  If it seems to dry or course, add in more coconut oil until you get the desired consistency.  

  3. Put into a jar.  Consume.  I like to keep it in little jars, so I can store them in the fridge until I'm ready to use them.  It “smears” best at room temperature, so remember to take it out before you want to use it (or just keep it at room temperature if you're going to eat through it quickly!).


This gift.


Homemade Christmas Cards. Or Not.