Follow Through.

The idea of good intentions has been on my mind these past few days.  After a long conversation with my Mom, it really sat deep on my heart.  This idea of 'intentions'.

How often do I think:

I should send them a card.

I should take them a meal.

We should have them over for dinner.

I need to set up a playdate with them.

Oh this is wonderful, I should forward it to...

I bet they could use some encouragement in this area.  I should take them this book....

I've been meaning to swing her by a coffee and give her a quick hug.

I need to remember to pray for them.

I should really schedule some one on one time with...

I've been meaning to take a date night...

I really would like to make something homemade for ______ to let them know I've been thinking of them...

See?  I've got intentions.  Lots of them.  Good ones!  This 'ol heart of mine is just plum full of good things, I tell ya.

Unfortunately (yep, we've all heard it) good intentions are no good at all if not acted upon.

And so, during our Mother-Daughter heart to heart, it dawned on me.  The valuable act of follow through.

Not only will I have these good intentions, but I will also follow through on these good intentions.  I won't just think about having that family over for dinner - I will actually call them, right then, and schedule a time to make it happen.  I won't just think about attending that activity - I will actually show up.

I won't just think about it - I will actually do it.  How's that for rocket science.

Here's a prime example.  For a few weeks now, I've had a wonderful 'Shower of Blessing' on my schedule for two new little ones in our congregation.  I really, really, really wanted to knit the little babes something, so I got to work on knitting some little ivory wool booties for them.  The night before the shower, I had 2 out of the 4 booties done.  Dangit.  Maybe I just won't finish them....Maybe I'll donate to the group gift instead...Maybe I can just take them later....

But all the excuses I could think of to not finish paled in comparison to my desire to want to bless the babies with these stinkin' booties.

And so I stayed up late and I got up early.  I knit and I knit and I knit and I knit and I knit.

And then.....I finished!  After some simple wrapping and a handwritten note, I was ready in time to take them to the shower.  I did it!  I actually followed through on my good intention.  And it was wonderful.  

Now, don't get my wrong here.  I'm not saying we need to seek perfection or that we should always be doing everything for everybody.  We all know that is an impossible and unattainable goal.  But what I am saying is that we are capable to always be growing, in character and spirit.  I know, personally, that I am capable of doing more than I have been doing.

I think, especially for women, this is so applicable to our daily walk.  We can get so caught up in the messiness of our own lives that our good intentions towards others simply don't take priority.  And while the health and wellness of our own household should be a primary focus, the Lord has also given us hearts that are equipped to love and to serve others, just as we love ourselves.  Taking off the blanket of excuses and fostering a heart that seeks to serve others will not only bless their household - it will also be a great blessing to yours.  

So, until I get in the habit of this 'follow through' I'm going to be carrying around a little tablet of sticky notes.  Anytime I have one of these good intentions pop into my little brain, I'm going to jot it down and try my darnedest to actually do it.  No more excuses.

Okay, fine.  I'll still probably find some.

But I'm working on it.


Did someone say Chocolate Pudding?


Vegetable soup to heal.