My Bloody Top Ten List!

It's cold here.  Or as a Brit would say, it's bloody cold here.  

Sometimes, when I watch too many British movies (or too much Chef Ramsey), I find myself putting the word 'bloody' into lots of sentences.

What a bloody good supper!

That's a lot of bloody housework!

Have a bloody good time!

Some uses of the word are obviously more appropriate than others.  But, I digress.

My point was simply this - it's freezing in our neck of the woods.  Literally.  Freezing.

And so, today, I'd like to share with you my top-ten favorite things to do on this very frigid day:

1.  Curl up in this.  Which makes it very difficult to get things done.  I guess I need a faux fur snuggie.

2.  Eat leftover this:

Because it's comfort food and it's warm and it's delicious.

3.  Read lots of wonderful blog posts, like this one.

4.  Take a warm bath while G-love is napping.   Because it is the only thing in the world that will defrost my little toes.  Plus, I scrubbed the bathtub today, which is probably my least favorite chore, but Lawd have mercy - I love reaping the benefits!

5.  Make some of this:

Because it's sweet and delicious and warms me from the inside out.  I have an unhealthy obsession with homemade hot chocolate (2 cups whole milk, 1/8 cup cocoa, honey to taste, and a dash of vanilla) - what can I say.

6.  Fold laundry, because if I catch it soon enough, it's nice and warm from the dryer!  Yes!

7.  Look at seed catalogs online - because it helps me to dream of a day when my garden beds will be more than soil, snow, and chicken manure.

Maybe this year we'll grow some of this?

Or maybe this?


The sky is the limit in this garden, baby.

8.  Do a lot of this.

It's okay, you can make fun of me for being an old lady if you want.  But I.  Love.  Knitting.  Plus, it's like, the ultimate hobby to have in the winter, because you can also do #1 and #5 while knitting.  Pretty smart, aren't I?

9.  Listen to She & Him Radio:

Because it makes me want to dance, and thus, keeps me from spending too much time doing any of the activities listed above.

And lastly...

10.  Watch food shows on Netflix.  Because who doesn't want to watch a PBS documentary about farmers markets?!

I hope that this fridgid weekend brings you much warmth and hobby-ness!

Get it?  Hobby-ness?  Happiness?  Hobby?  Knitting?


Happy Weekend!


Spicy Samosas.


Yogurt Dough & Turkey-Pot-Pie.