Almost Famous.

I don't mind putting in a shameless plug if a shameless plug is due: and in this case, it totally is.

This past weekend, my brother-in-law Jeremy came to stay with us, which is always a treat!  It means extra special breakfasts in the morning, staying up past our normal 9:30 bedtime, endless guitar playing, and usually grabbing a beer at a local pub.  This week was no exception.

J came into town to play a few shows with fellow musician, which was another treat.  A Friday night date to a local cafe while listening to wonderful music?  Sign me up.

Now, this is a bit off subject, but I couldn't help myself from photographing this wonder lineup of microbrews, many made locally.  And I thought to myself, 'Self, you know you're in the Pacific Northwest when you're staring at a lineup of local microbrews.' I love that.

Then, I saw this:

And I said to myself, 'Self, you know you're in the Pacific Northwest when there is a white man with dreadlocks down his back'.  For those of you who live in the wonderful Pacific Northwest with me, you know exactly what I mean.  And even though full-length white man dreadlocks is not my thing, I do love it here.  Love, love, love.

But this has absolutely nothing to do with why I am posting this.

Each time J comes into town, we have lots of time to sit and talk about life.  We update him on the latest Georgia-poo incident and he updates us on the happenings of his wildly popular band Polecat.

I'm not sure who's stories are more entertaining.

And this, my friends, leads me to my shameless plug for his most wonderful band; a group of talented, down-to-earth musicians who have so much fun playing their music, it's absolutely contagious.  So contagious in fact, I couldn't help but post the first ever video on The Elliott Homestead.  Watch for the guitar player - that's J-money.

Heck, I may just post two:

Or three:

If you live in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, California, or Montana - you've got to check out their website, for their tour dates. These guys are all over, spreading the love of 'Americana Bluegrass', and I promise if you attend a show, you'll have a boot stompin' of a time.

Literally.  It's physically impossible to not stomp your boots while you listen.  I've had their 'Fire On The Hill' CD in my player since last summer and it's still impossible for me to not wiggle along to while I'm driving.  Infectious in the best way possible.

And don't worry.  Besides a few references to gin & whiskey, it's family friendly. 

If you can't make a show, don't cry.  You can enjoy their music on iTunes or on CD Baby!  I love, love, love getting to hear these guys (and girl...Hey Cayley!) and I'm already counting down the days till we can make the next show.  I believe they'll be planning a tour of the south soon, so maybe you can make one, too!

I know, in time, that Polecat will have nationwide success.  Yep.  That means their almost famous.

Soon, there will be European tours and live television performances. 

Interviews with Regis.

Rolling Stone photo shoots.

You know...famous stuff. 

Oh...and happy valentines day!


Scalloped Potatoes with Grass-Fed Ground Beef.


Artisan Sourdough Loaf.