This Mommy Business.

It's crazy times, people.  Crazy times.

Friday is my last day of work in Real Estate and starting next Monday, I'm a semi-full-time-stay-at-home-mommy.

I'll still be working outside of the home for a bit I'm sure, but probably not more than ten hours a week.

Which means it's just me.  And her.  Together forever.

In all honesty, since the day she was born, all I've wanted is to be with her every minute.  As I snuggled that wee-one (literally, only 5 lbs. 1 oz!) in my arms, I swore I would never let her leave my side for the rest of her life.  She was my prisoner and I would never let her go! Muah ha ha ha.

Sorry.  Evil laughter gets the better of me sometimes.

I'm so thankful to have had a job that allowed me to work part-time and take her with me.  Especially since I nursed, this was crucial to our success as a Mommy/Daughter team.

I'm also thankful that this past year has allowed her to have plenty of Daddy/Daughter time as well.  Stuart has been able to watch her part time while I work at the office and as I'm coming in the door from work, he's bouncing out the door for school.  Go Team Elliott!

Stuart hates it when I lean in for a high-five and say "Go Team Elliott!".  It drives him crazy.

But truly, the Lord has surely provided for us during this time.  And even though it's been challenging, we've learned to bend (not break) with the weight of the changes.

I've longed dreamed of the days where I could stay home with Georgia.  Time spent playing and eating and cleaning and changing diapers.  Ah yes, my friends.  Truly, the good life.

But what if I can't handle it?

What if I get overwhelmed, start crying, and curl up into fetal position on the floor?

What if I'm not tough enough for this Stay-At-Home-Mom business?!


Alright, alright.  I'm being dramatic.  I know I'm tough enough, baby.  Because God gives me grace and strength each day.

Can't nobody break my stride, can't nobody hold me down, oh no, I've got to keep on movin'...

I'm a survivor, I'm not gunna give up, I'm not gunna stop, I'm gunna work harder...

(Any other motivation music you can throw my way?)

Truth is, my friends, that I love this Mom business.  I love being there when my daughter wakes up and when she goes to bed at night.  I love being there for lunch time, nap time, dirty diaper time, and tantrum time.  I love bubble baths after dinner and walks in the afternoon.  I love watching Kipper and reading Goodnight Moon.  

Yes, it's tiring.  Yes, it's non-stop.  Yes, it's under-appreciated.  Yes, we've had to give up a lot of monetary security.  Yes, it's frustrating.  And yes, it's messy.

But Lawd have mercy, is it the most wonderful thing in the world or what.


Berry Blush Playtime.


Fresh Rice Salad with Orange, Avocado, & Cilantro.