A load a day to keep the monster Mom at bay.

This past month, I've employed a new laundry tactic.

Pretty basic, it is.

One load per day.  That's my rule.  

This means one new load goes in the washer, the load from the washer is moved to the dryer and/or drying rack, and the load from the dryer is carried upstairs to the bedrooms and put away.

This doesn't meant stacking clean clothes on top of the dryer...

...nor does it mean stacking clean clothes on our bed as they await their dresser destiny.  

It simply means one load - sign, sealed, delivered.

And it's been a miracle.

No longer do I face a mountain of socks, underwear, and jeans.  No longer do I have to spend an hour putting away the piles and piles of laundry.  No longer do I have to agonize over getting it done!


I simply don't have the attention span, or energy, to devote an entire day to babysitting my washing machine.  I know it works well for some people to get it all done it one day and not have to think about it again for a week - but that just ain't working here.  It may have to do with the fact that currently I have one (count them = ONE) pair of jeans to my name and thus, need them washed more often.

I used to have two, but last week, I ripped the backside out of my other pair.  

Yes, I felt graceful and feminine.  Thank you for asking.

That "accident" left me with one pair of jeans - mind you, they are one size too small.  I bought them when I was nursing and skinny.  I am not longer nursing, and thus, burn far fewer calories.  Though I don't seem to eat less.  Funny how that works.

Regardless, I need those jeans every day for the time being.  And therefore, they must be washed.

So wash them I must.  Each day after breakfast dishes, I switch the laundry and carry the clean load upstairs.  Then, I take five minutes to make our bed, put away clean clothes, and gather dirty clothes into the basket to be carried back downstairs.  It takes about 7 minutes from start to finish.  Not bad for a organized laundry room, fresh laundry, made bed, and clean bedroom!

I simply share my laundry tactic with you in hopes that a load a day at your home will help to keep the monster Mom at bay.

You know the monster Mom I'm talking about.  The one who wants to cry as she faces a room that looks like it has vomited cardigans, nylons, and onesies.  The one who weeps when she thinks about sorting clothes.  The one who avoids going into the laundry room because she knows it'll made her angry for the rest of the day. 

Or was that just me...


Georgia Knox.


What I am. And what I ain't.